Depending on the version that you are running, a full-update might not be the best idea. 3.4-3 is based on Testing and a full update may make your installation go pear shaped. Its pretty new as it is, so I would just install a few new packages and a few updates, take those packages (software/programs) that it says it also needs, and don't do too much more.
OK, you have to have the Mepis installed. Then launch Synaptic (either run it from a terminal window, from the "Run" dialog in the kmenu, or find it in the kmenu). It'll ask for your root password, so give it.
Then go up top and dig in the menus to find "Repositories" list (not sure where but its easy, not too many options). Put an [x] next to all of them (only 3, right?) and hit [ok].
Click on the "Reload" button and some downloads will pass. Then search and update:
Firefox - web browser
w32codec - watch videos and other multimedia
grip - rip CDs
k9copy -dvd backup
dvdcss - watch DVDs (warning this is of questionable legality in the USA)
After selecting these, hit "Accept" and ok, ok, ok till its going...