I have sucessfully trashed my Mepis box
installing the hddtemp package..
Asus p4p800
Radeon 9800 non-pro
1 GIG Mushkin Level II PC3200
What happened...
apt-get install hddtemp
the package never completed the install.. in fact it
hard locked the machine..
I rebooted to runlevel 5 and ran synaptic .. got the error
"... run dpkg --configure -a to fix this problem..."
this command never completes but hangs the machine..
reboot again..
The machine doesn't boot up but spits out screens of what looks like
core dump messages..
What I have tried..
Currently I can only boot to runlevel 1 or single user mode..
googling.. I have only found
this command
I can use the the CD and recover my info off of /home..
but would like to figure this out..
I don't believe it is a hardware problem.. because this machine
has been running for weeks with no issues..
Will try the fix command when I get home..