Originally Posted by mdmarmer
Why are you posting in the Mepis forum?
Do you have Mepis installed?
In KDE there is KSysguard which will show you what is running and allow you to kill processes
For services like Apache there is update-rc.d (although sometimes when you do upgrades the services come back -- there's a command to take care of this too)
See here ... http://www.mepislovers-wiki.org/inde...u_don%27t_need
yes, i have mepis installed. thanks for the information. i'll look into ksysguard (and top, gee - thanks).
when i looked into /etc/rc.d
my system had something like /etc/rc.d(0), /etc/rc.d(1), /etc/rc.d(2)...
i'm not at my mepis box right now so i don't know the exact layout, but each instance had a sequential number and there were about 10 instances.
i didn't spend too much time investigating - it is on my list.