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Old 10-31-2008, 12:00 AM   #16
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Distribution: 64-bit Mepis
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Originally Posted by newbiesforever View Post
Were they not satisfied with Mepislovers?
No tis another forum... An additional medium!

Old 11-02-2008, 09:42 AM   #17
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It seems there is some confusion as to why MEPIS Community was formed. It is not intended to be in competition with mepislovers or but to be used as an additional resource. It was not formed because of any dissatisfaction with mepislovers, as all the people involved in the community website are still very active on mepislovers forum.
This is the opening paragraph of MEPIS community web site:

"This web site is developed and maintained by the community of Mepis users. Its purpose is to tell you who we are, show you what we do, provide you with relevant news, and point you to where you can get help on using MEPIS Linux. That user-friendly operating system is pre-configured for simplicity and ease of use, and is well supported--by us! Please check the official site to find out how to get MEPIS"

One would still go to for their online support questions, to read discussions on MEPIS, and other topics related to Linux and computers in general.
As to the question why MEPIS community is not just a sub-forum of mepislovers, it was to save space on the mepislovers server.
I hope this has cleared up some of the questions,and I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.
Old 11-12-2008, 01:03 PM   #18
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SimplyMEPIS 8.0 Beta 5 Updates Several Packages

SimplyMEPIS 8.0 Beta 5 has been announced.

Morgantown, WV, Nov 11, 2008 -- ISO files of the fifth beta of SimplyMEPIS 8.0 are available for 32 and 64 bit processors as SimplyMEPIS-CD_7.9.92-beta5_32.iso and SimplyMEPIS-CD_7.9.92-beta5_64.iso.

In this release the kernel has been updated to upstream version and the extra drivers have been rebuilt for the new kernel. Grub has been updated to 0.97-33. It is hoped that this will resolve the problems a few users have reported with not being able to access a bootable CD.

The core of MEPIS is being kept in sync with the upcoming Debian stable release, Lenny. Recently, nspluginwrapper 1.0.0-1, virtualbox-ose 2.0.4, 3.0.0-4, and firefox 3.0.3-3 were updated in SimplyMEPIS and in the MEPIS 8.0 pool.
Old 11-13-2008, 12:52 AM   #19
Registered: Aug 2006
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Exclamation lovers=newb questions, not in Community=GNU/Linux MEPIS users, continued development

Wayne {& Warren}, Are my updated Subj line, edits (& snips) correct?
Originally Posted by wcc1776 View Post
SNIP/EDTD there is some OUTSIDE confusion as to why MEPIS Community was formed. It is not intended to be in competition with mepislovers or but to be used as an additional resource. It was formed because of all the people involved in the community website are still very active on mepislovers forum.

MEPIS community web site: "This web site is developed and maintained by the community of Mepis users. Its purpose is to; show you what we do, provide you with relevant news, and point you to where you can get help on using MEPIS Linux { forums}. That user-friendly operating system is pre-configured for simplicity and ease of use, and is well supported--by us!

M$ Windoz migrators & other newbies would still go to for their online support questions, to read discussions on MEPIS, and other topics related to Linux and computers in general.

MEPIS community is not just a sub-forum of mepislovers, it was to save space on the mepislovers server.

I hope this has cleared up some of the questions,and I apologize for any confusion I may have caused. Wayne
This bureaucracy confuses the new to GNU/Linux users, which appears to be a contradictory & M$-like philosophy.
A newb should be able to click on ONE link for help & not have to decipher a mission statement!

Last edited by digital8doug; 11-13-2008 at 12:57 AM. Reason: NOW Using Sabayon 3.5.1 Live DVD as 1st choice of >10 distros!! May DL & retry Mepis 8 later.
Old 11-14-2008, 10:48 PM   #20
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2007
Location: SE IN,USA
Distribution: MEPIS
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It appears by your snips & edits that you have interpreted my post,as you want to have it read. I also don't know why you would include Warren in a question about a post written by me?
I am not an official spokesman for MEPIS, mepislovers forum, or MEPIS Community website and don't think I implied that. I'm just a forum member who gave an answer to a question using my understanding of the situation.
As it seems I have failed in my attempt to answer that question to your satisfaction. I will not respond to this thread any longer.
Old 11-16-2008, 08:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by newbiesforever View Post
Were they not satisfied with Mepislovers?
mepislovers is a forum.
mepiscommunity is a website with information about MEPIS and the MEPIS community. There you will find getting started help, tips, information about MEPIS community projects. The community artwork project developed the graphics for MEPIS 8. The community packaging project provides pre-built applications, especially compiled for the Mepis Linux OS environment. There are also documentation, web development, scripts and torrent projects.
Old 11-24-2008, 03:39 PM   #22
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Greenville, SC
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Getting close, but published dates are not available

Originally Posted by newbiesforever View Post
Is MEPIS 8 expected this year? Just curious.
Like many other free software projects, MEPIS 8 will be released when it is ready. To say anything more could potentially be misleading. I will tell you where things stand, though, and you can form your own impressions from them.

SimplyMEPIS 7.0 was released in mid December 2007 a couple of months after Debian Etch was released.

Debian Lenny was scheduled to be released in September 2008, paving the way for a possible fall release of SimplyMEPIS 8.0. However, Debian Lenny was NOT released in September, even though Beta 2 was out in the summer. Debian Lenny is now looking quite good and it has reached Release Candidate 1 status. There are still outstanding defects; Debian likes to drive those down as low as possible with no showstoppers at all.

SimplyMEPIS 8.0 is at the Beta 5 build. Like Debian, MEPIS will not release knowingly deficient software, so until the significant known issues are all resolved, this will not be the final release. Last year there were a few release candidates before the final release came out.

What I can tell you is that Beta 5 is very good software. For me, it installs flawlessly, and from Beta 4 on it worked on all of my systems. Back in Beta 1, it worked on only one of my systems. Hardware support, then, is one of the big things that improves during the release cycle. Package integrity is ALWAYS good, even during testing. I have NEVER EVER found MEPIS to be deficient in that area, regardless of whether I was using released software or a test release.

Therefore, when there are no outstanding hardware, software, or compatibility issues to report or they are minimal, you can expect to see a release. Who is to say when that will be? All that I can suggest is that it may not be all that far off - works well already on a LOT of systems - all of mine, that is for sure.



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