To fix the mouse in Mepis 7 under Virtual PC
It seems that this is a problem with the i8042 keyboard controller and is common to the current Linux distrubtions.
Ayway to get around this, when you are presented with the Mepis boot menu, at the end of the boot options that appear at the bottom of the screen, add on the following...
and then press Enter to boot.
You now be able to use the mouse and then run the Mepis install.
After you reboot after installation, add the i8042.noloop entry at the boot menu as per above and then login as root.
Open then the terminal konsole and type in...
sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst
Find the first line that starts with kernel /boot/... and at the end of it, add...
Save the file and reboot. Should be all fine now.
Hope this info helps,