Mepis 6 - Eagle or UEagle , this is the question!
Hi all,
I try to explain my problem briefly. I've installed SimplyMepis 6 on my computer, ethernet connection to adsl and no problem at all.
Then install on my girlfriend's pc, and here is the problem: Aethra Starmodem - Chipset ADI. Google helps me: try Eagle-usb driver. Then I try it: I can successfully install even without internet connection, but later I cannot manage the modem. From now I cannot remember which was exactly the problem, but it didn't work.
Then I go back home, and Google again: I found that for kernel superior to 2.6.10 (I actually use 2.6.15 I think), it is necessary to switch to UEagle drivers; it is also necessary to uninstall eagle drivers currently supported by Ubuntu ( /lib/modules/.../eagle/eagleusb.ko) and to install Ueagle. But this isn't so easy: Mepis repositories don't seem to have Ueagle deb packet, so it is necessary to compile it.
I don't give up, I download the correct .tar.gz, and I try to compile. Then I receive the message: build-essential is needed. I try to install it from synaptics (as I did for kernel sources, also needed - I was using my ethernet modem by the way), but it seems to be not possible, by using Mepis.
How can I do?
The problem actually is:
1. I can't install Ueagle because I need build-essential. Is there another way to do this?
2. It seems that Ueagle needs hotplug to work. But hotplug is another package that seems to be unusable with Mepis linux. Will it be another problem?
3. Should I try to reinstall Eagle from Mepis repository and try to pray to configure it? Shouldn't it be a loss of time, if it conflicts with my kernel?
Please help me!!
Please, don't answer me to buy an ethernet modem: I want to solve my problem, not to just avoid it :-)
Thank tou in advance