I have never had the mepis cd that I purchased from Mepis.com fail me. Intill last night. I was installing Mepis on a friends computer. That person had decided to try out Linux and was using Ubuntu, but was displeased with how hard it is to use, IE sound issues. I personally use a distro that stays a little more updated but Mepis is good to give to friends that are just starting out and it generally is quick to install.
However, I ran into a problem, I was installing it and about half way through the install process it locked up. I rebooted and the livecd started throwing errors. They were hdb read errors, what could have caused this?
I put the livecd in my laptop and it booted right up with no errors. I put it back in the computer I was trying to install it on and every time it would state hdb read errors, a bunch of them.
I had to reinstall ubuntu.
Ubuntu reinstalled flawlessly, but the sound issues came right back.
any ideas? should I have tried mepislite?
The machine is a 1600+, with a 761 chipset, pc2100 512mb ddr, geforce 3 video card, 13GB 7200 2MB cahce hd, generic dvd rom and generic soundcard.