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Old 06-18-2008, 01:43 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Thumbs down Live CD Problems w/6.5.02

I have a 2.33ghz Compaq desktop w/1280megs of memory. My problem is that the Simply Mepis 6.5.02 live cd simply won't load. It gets as far as unpacking the kernel, then the cd drive stops, it goes back to the Compaq start screen, then the cd fires up, and the whole thing starts over again. I have tried with every option shown; nothing seems to work. Can someone shed some light on this? Thank you.
Old 06-18-2008, 02:55 PM   #2
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System 32 or 64

See if you computer is a 64 or 32 bit. Then see if the cd is the same. It might be that one is 64 and the other is 32. On the newer machines they both have to match. Or else it might be that the disk doesn't like the video on the computer. Or it could be something completely different.
Old 06-25-2008, 06:30 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Distribution: 64-bit Mepis
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Originally Posted by darkflake View Post
I have a 2.33ghz Compaq desktop w/1280megs of memory. My problem is that the Simply Mepis 6.5.02 live cd simply won't load. It gets as far as unpacking the kernel, then the cd drive stops, it goes back to the Compaq start screen, then the cd fires up, and the whole thing starts over again. I have tried with every option shown; nothing seems to work. Can someone shed some light on this? Thank you.
As fullwhitebeard indicated, knowing the model number of your Compaq would let him and everyone check your system specifications. You have adequate memory, and the mepsi6.5 cd, comes with a mem checker.

I presume you were able to verify the md5sum of the 6.5 32 bit version?
I have:f69ce0a894ad14a6385db7095aebec5d for the SimplyMEPIS-CD_6.5.02_32.iso

Warren has started testing version8, I ask why are you attempting to use version 6.5 instead of the rock solid version7? I can understand if you were using a slow K6 that will not run with the newer Linux kernel, but your system has a 2.33 so it is a 2002 or later model CPU.

If you have an after market or add on Video card that will require you to chose the vesa activation over the default boot. However your reboot problems are similar to a bad burn, or a CD media that is not liked by your CD/DVD reader/burner...

My experience with a number of different HP/Compaq systems it is the CD unit or media. I have had a number of systems not initially like mepis, and a number that booted without worry...

When I encounter a 3-5 year old HP/Compaq that will not boot to a live CD, I have an old Samsung DVD I switch with the HP/Compaq units and most of the time that solves the problem. I only do this after making certain it is not a video card related vesa solution, or bad download or burn.

Old 06-27-2008, 07:22 AM   #4
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Thanks for your suggestions. I purchased the CD along with a couple of others from On-Disk. I have no knowledge of MEPIS, so was unaware that I had gotten an older distro. Except for the memory, the computer is just as delivered. It is a 32 bit system. I will continue to try things just for the sake of knowledge.

Thanks again.

Old 06-30-2008, 08:23 AM   #5
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I have to disagree, Official MEPIS 7.0 is not rock solid, else why would it not run on my Shuttle w/ the (nVidia) GeForce 7600 PCI-E card? I had to go to the unofficial 7.073uce. (BTW, I am still seeding both versions.)

The ".02" in 6.5.02, OTOH, tells/reminds us that 6.5 needed 2 bugfix releases. I am still using it & don't yet think it is completely obsolete. One of its strengths (& weaknesses) was a very thorough boot menu on the Live CD. Unfortunately, thorough can seem complicated to the newcomer.

Did you try the resolution options (under "F3", IRCC) as well as the regular options in the boot menu?

What other Live CD'd do work w/ your hardware?
Especially have you tried Kubuntu 6.06, which is SimplyMEPIS 6.x's closest relative?

Would you please post a link to the specs. for your system, particularly the video chip.

Edit: "6.0.02" to "6.5.02" (Oops)

Last edited by archtoad6; 07-06-2008 at 06:38 PM. Reason: bad typo
Old 07-03-2008, 10:23 PM   #6
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The firmware on the Compaq CD is a definite possibility for causing this sort of thing. Been confirmed even.
But I'd suggest 7.0 also.
Old 07-12-2008, 03:32 PM   #7
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I have just switched from win 2k pro to xp pro and I can't get my mepis cd to boot. a drop down window comes on for me to pick what to open it with and I have no clue...Neil
Old 07-13-2008, 03:30 AM   #8
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  1. Which MEPIS Live CD?
  2. Did it boot before the switch?
  3. What is your your video card & its chip?
Old 07-13-2008, 10:30 PM   #9
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV
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Originally Posted by nh1s2many View Post
I have just switched from win 2k pro to xp pro and I can't get my mepis cd to boot. a drop down window comes on for me to pick what to open it with and I have no clue...Neil
Here is a picture of a live CD boot menu... Image is not the greatest but I offer the link to show you it is not a drop down menu

If you have a upgraded Video card, you may need to use the vesa option to boot the CD, some older ATI & Nvida cards will boot on the first option...

Also some newer motherboards will not boot with the first option, as they have upgraded video cards, and need to be booted with the Vesa option...

Hope this info helps...



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