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Old 09-23-2005, 03:35 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: Baton Rouge
Distribution: Ubuntu 5.10
Posts: 74

Rep: Reputation: 15
Kernel Recompile

Hello everyone

I am currently using Mepis on my laptop, with a 2.6.12 kernel.

I would like to go for the 2.6.13 kernel, or atleast, make some changes on my current kernel.

Basically I don't want to start from a scratch. I want to know all of the current configuration options, and just make some changes here and there.

So what would you suggest is the best way to proceed? I can download the new kernel, unpack it into /usr/src an make menuconfig

I understand that there is a make oldconfig feature, right? To use that however I need to get my current .config file. Where do I search for that? Once I have that, I guess I can just run make oldconfig without even having to download the latest kernel.

The reason I want to recompile is I want some modules delete from the kernel. One of them is CUPS, and other is support for my eth0 at boot up, and so on. I use a wireless connection, therefore Mepis trying to acquire a DHCP address using eth0 is merely a waste of time during bootup.

Thank you for your help

With regards

Old 09-23-2005, 03:53 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Espoo, Finland
Distribution: Gentoo, 2.6.16-gentoo-r11
Posts: 108

Rep: Reputation: 15

You do not need to recompile a kernel just to remove some modules. It is enough if you just make sure that they don't get loaded at boot.

Edit: As I have never used Mepis I can't give any advice on how to disable processed at boot.

Last edited by Razze; 09-23-2005 at 03:54 AM.
Old 09-23-2005, 03:57 AM   #3
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: Baton Rouge
Distribution: Ubuntu 5.10
Posts: 74

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15

Thanks for that quick suggestion.

I too am searching for a way to remove some modules at startup.

Anyway, kernel recompilation sounds exciting and I want to try it. You are right though, there is no unevitable need.


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