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Old 05-19-2009, 01:00 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Distribution: 64-bit Mepis
Posts: 130

Rep: Reputation: 19
K9 tutorial?

I have botched my K9 installation...

I made several good *.mpg archival copies. I used AVI format previously in mepis7 and I have not burned or tried using DeVeDe to convert and burn the *.mpg files to DVD format that have always played well using GeeXbox with an older computer.

But having used the AVI format previously I changed a few settings in K9, not keeping track of the changes or the default settings and now it no longer functions. Currently the k9 software takes time, appears to be working/ processing, but results in a 0 bit file...

I then went looking for a wink tutorial, or good users guide on how to set-up and use the different settings instead of a reference on a Blog, no luck... I removed K9 completely and reinstalled, still can not make it work again (I can only surmise someway K9 has saved/remembers the mixed up settings I messed about in the software experimenting with to try and have function in Mepis8 as it did in Mepis7)...

Then is stumbled across OGMRip and was able to set that software up and create a *.avi...
OGMRip has a users manual that is decent -

Topcats Mepis tutorial

Is there a users guide for K9, or a K9 wink tutorial, or a K9 video similar to Topcat's Mepis video? I can not seem to locate K9 instructions on the web? I find it difficult to believe there is no decent set-up page, or user complete manual for the K9 software...

* * *
64-bit Mepis since 2007
Old 05-20-2009, 01:12 PM   #2
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Which "K9 software" are you referring to?

It doesn't seem to be here:

& I don't think it's this:

Maybe those w/ answers for you would understand exactly what you are talking about from the context; but the rest could use a few links to point us in right direction.

BTW, you might think about updating ...

Last edited by archtoad6; 05-21-2009 at 07:31 AM.
Old 05-22-2009, 10:45 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Distribution: 64-bit Mepis
Posts: 130

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Rep: Reputation: 19
K9 software lets the user make a personal DVD backup with a graphical interface.

"K9 is a small utility which allows the users to make a copy of DVD using Linux. The DVD video stream
is compressed by the program Vamps.

Copy without menus :
In this case, dvdauthor is used to create a new DVD structure. It is
possible to choose the order in which the video sequences are played.

Copy with menus :
As dvdauthor does not make it possible to integrate the original menus,
K9Copy reproduces the original structure of the DVD. The navigation packs
as well as IFO files are modified to point on the compressed MPEG stream."

This is the best I can locate: But it does not have any detail like the OMGRip User manual... I understand manuals or wink tutorials take a great deal of time to write, and take a different type of writing than a letter or paper as they are prepared for a different purpose of computer users......

I also note this comment as one of the references to K9: Linux has a number of methods to create a personal DVD backup if you are comfortable using command line tools. If you would rather use a graphical interface, there is software available. K9Copy, AcidRip, and DVD::RIP. OMGRip, and Handbreak. There are a number of Linux users that still use well known windows tools (ripit4me, DVDFab, shrink) running in wine to accomplish a personal DVD back-up.

I had a decent setup Using Mepis7, and now 4 months later I have some backup DVD scratched and no longer playable that I need to recreate. I initially installed K9 in Mepis7 and found it was the perfect tool to avoid needing to purchasing the same DVDs again, again, again, again, and again...
Old 05-23-2009, 01:24 AM   #4
Captain Merlot
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Topcats Mepis tutorial

Is there a users guide for K9, or a K9 wink tutorial, or a K9 video similar to Topcat's Mepis video? I can not seem to locate K9 instructions on the web? I find it difficult to believe there is no decent set-up page, or user complete manual for the K9 software...

* * *
64-bit Mepis since 2007[/QUOTE]

Yup That is one really fine video series. However when I was playing it back the other day I noticed that two of the files seemed to be the same However I may be wrong and I'll keep checking it out to see if I am Cheers all


dvd, mepis8, tutorial

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