Welcome to Mepis !!
http://www.mepislovers.org -- very helpful forum
I recommend installing SuperKaramba 0.37.1 from deb rather than compiling from source -- much easier
copying instructions I got from here
Download and install from
You will also need to install python2.4 for it to work.
The easiest way is:
1. open a terminal window
2. type "su" (without quotes)
3. type root password
4. type "apt-get clean" (without quotes)
5. type "apt-get update" (without quotes)
6. type "apt-get install python2.4" (without quotes)
7. let install the other programs that it needs
To install superkaramba_0.37-RC1-1_i386.deb.
In the same terminal window just type dpkg -i superkaramba_0.37-RC1-1_i386.deb.
You'll be up and running superkaramba in no time.
[This should all work if your /etc/apt/sources.list is set up for updates (may need to edit this file as root -- do a search in MepisLovers if
-- Mike ;-)