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Old 08-18-2006, 09:30 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2006
Posts: 2

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Wink Installing an HP 6620 Printer on Mepis

I have just been converted to Linux (SimplyMepis) and I find it great, especially not having to pay $200+ each time I build a new machine. Everything is great so far except I cannot figure out how to install printer. The printer is connected through my router on the home network.
Some really dumb questions:
1. I seem to need my printer address. Where do I find that?
2. Can't find any printers shown (as in Windows) and how do I load a specific printer driver?
While I have built a lot of computers I have always used the windows OS and just "slapped it on" with no problems. I am just tired of paying so much as I usually run 4 or 5 computers + some wireless laptops on my home network.

Thanks folks for helping the "OLD ONE" in the new adventure.



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