Help with <application/octet-stream>
Hello to all:
I would appreciate a little help with a problem I have with application/octet-stream.
The problem started when I wanted to associate KEdit with HTML files. I have searched
the forums and Google but I can't find what I need.
I have no idea what I did when I used the file association in KDE to do this. I added KEdit
to the text section which already had HTML, HTM, SHTML. I changed nothing else.
After I tried to associate KEdit with HTML I now get a dialog box which says "Could not find
mime type application/octet-stream". I ran into this problem before and some good hearted
L/Q user gave me instructions on how to eliminate the dialog box but I have this disease
which starts with an A... no,no not that A, this one A.G.E. and I have forgotten how to get rid of
the dialog box.
I am running Mepis 3.3 with KDE.
Thank you very much
EDIT: Update
I fixed it, rather Sharke fixed it.
Had to make a new association in the file association area. octete-stream under applications.
Thanks to everone.
Last edited by Dooley; 09-04-2005 at 12:11 PM.