Mepis should also have the drives, but it may not... what version of mepis are you using?
How many CDroms does the machine have? is one a cd (or dvd) burner?
Your best bet might be to boot from the non-burning CDROM drive and burn the files using k3b onto a disk; you could also copy them to a USB stick or something similar. To find the drive, go to a command prompt and type:
df -h [enter]
which will list the disks and their free space. hda1 is MOST LIKELY the Windows C:\ drive, so become root:
su [enter]
(password is "root" on live CD)[enter]
then mount the hda1 drive somewhere:
mount /dev/hda1 /home/demo/Desktop/windows [enter] (note this requires you to make a folder on the desktop named "windows")
then browse away, if it worked, and use k3b to burn the data onto disks. if the disk drive is corrupt you may not be able to mount it. if it is NTFS you may not be able to even read it (but Mepis has been good for me in this before).
If you only have one CDROM drive, a smaller distro like DSL might help (you can run it as "toram" at the boot prompt and then remove the cd when fully booted) but these smaller distros have kinda confusing burning programs.
Or add another disk (hdb1 - don't let it be Windows' NTFS filesystem), mount both as discribed above (both cannot be mounted to "windows" though - different places!!) and copy from one to the other.
luck to you, let us know how it goes!