Having problems getting KDE to start after SOHO upgrade from 3.3.1
I recently installed SOHO over 3.3.1 and saved my home partition. Now I am having problems getting KDE to start when trying to login to old user name. At first multiple errors about config files not being writable. Solved those by changing permissions. Now when I try to login it simply returns me to the login screen. Anybody seen this one before.
Thanks Rich D
Sorry about the multiple posts. It was unintentional and I'm not quite sure how I did it. Thanks for the tips Xavier, I will incorporate them into future posts. Also , is there no way to delete a post once submitted?
I will login to my old username from the command line, and try to startx, noting specific error message if any.
Thanks, Rich D.
Last edited by sinczar; 09-07-2005 at 08:40 PM.