Control Start Up Programs
i did a quick google on this and didn't find any info - so i though i'd ask here.
i will relate the questions to winxp to possibly clarify what i'm asking and to make it more clear for lurkers who are moving from winxp to mepis.
1. how dow i control what programs start up automatically (gui and cl options)? this would be equivalent to winxp's msconfig -> startup.
2. how do i list what programs and processes are currently running (gui and cl options)? This is comparable to winxp's alt-ctl-del -> programs, alt-ctl-del -> processes and msconfig -> services.
3. what's the best way to manually control programs, processes and services (gui and cl options)?
i think you can kill a process by getting its process id using the "ps" command (possibly "ps au" command) and then typing kill [enter process number].
i think the ps or ps au option lists all running processes, but i'm not sure about programs or services.
in any case, any insight would be much appreciated.
as always, thanks in advance... folks here have made my transition to mepis reasonably smooth.