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Old 03-31-2007, 11:31 PM   #1
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connecting to a wireless network

Can anyone tell me all the steps to connect to a wireless network in MEPIS 6.x? I figured this out easily when I had 3.x, but the controls are different enough in 6.x that I can't get it set up again, and am not sure what's wrong or missing. I have set up Ndiswrapper with the correct driver, have given the control panel my network's ESSID, and currently have it set to find the network with a DHCP(sp?) broadcast. I didn't think this was equipment-specific other than giving Ndiswrapper the correct driver, but if anyone needs to know, I am connecting to the network with a Linksys WUSB54G access point. The router is a Linksys WRT54G. (I am typing this in Windows, for obvious reasong, but if information on other settings is needed, I can go back to MEPIS and find it.)
Old 04-01-2007, 05:50 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2003
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It shouldn't depend on the hardware used as long as your ndiswrapper is working all right, or you're using native drivers that work all right. I myself would start off by making sure the thing works at all:
should tell you if (at least one of) your devices work (others should give "no wireless extensions"). After this, if eth1 (For example) was the device that did have 'wireless extensions',
iwlist eth1 scanning
should provide you with some access points information (I'm not sure if it makes difference if you run it as root or as a regular user, try both if you're not getting anything). Then, when you know the ESSID of your preferred access point, try to connect to it (as root):
iwconfig eth1 essid <ESSID here> key s:<key here>
dhclient eth1
If eth1 is not the wireless device, change it. In place of <ESSID here> type the name you got using scanning. If your key is ASCII key, use s:keyname, if it's not (i.e. it's hexa) use just keyname without the 's:'. After that make sure dchp information is obtained, running either dhclient or dhcpcd depending on which one is installed on your system.

If that works, your device works, and the problem is with the graphical tool (I found out that Gnome 2.16 and at first in 2.18 the Network Manager applet didn't do something right with the keys and could not connect, but now that I did some updates, 2.18 can manage my wifi network's key and gets connected). If the command-line stuff did not work then you should think why that is, and get to the graphical tool only after that.

If you get any errors, problems etc. post here and let us know. It is possible that it's just the graphical tool that isn't working (note: when typing the key for it, make sure it understands the format -- is it ASCII, hexadecimal and WEP or WPA when you need wpa_supplicant -- and so on), but that's made sure with the command-line tools.
Old 04-02-2007, 12:27 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2007
Location: canada
Distribution: SimplyMEPIS 6.5 final
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Originally Posted by newbiesforever
Can anyone tell me all the steps to connect to a wireless network in MEPIS 6.x? I figured this out easily when I had 3.x, but the controls are different enough in 6.x that I can't get it set up again, and am not sure what's wrong or missing. I have set up Ndiswrapper with the correct driver, have given the control panel my network's ESSID, and currently have it set to find the network with a DHCP(sp?) broadcast. I didn't think this was equipment-specific other than giving Ndiswrapper the correct driver, but if anyone needs to know, I am connecting to the network with a Linksys WUSB54G access point. The router is a Linksys WRT54G. (I am typing this in Windows, for obvious reasong, but if information on other settings is needed, I can go back to MEPIS and find it.)
You may just need to click the 'interfaces' tab in MEPIS Network assistant. Then check all three boxes 'Start at boot' , 'Start when plugged', and 'Start/restart on apply' that should get you going. Type mnetwork into konsole to get there fast.
Old 04-11-2007, 05:36 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: Fedora 22, Debian 8, Centos 6/7 for servers
Posts: 101

Rep: Reputation: 16
If im feeling lazy I type in konsole:
ifup wlan0
Proberly wouldn't work if you have WEP
Also I just connects to the first AP it finds, unless us specify something first with the
iwconfig wlan0 essid ESSIDNAME channel CHANNELNUMBER
To disconnect type
ifdown wlan0


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