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Old 01-03-2007, 01:00 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Distribution: Mepis 6.0-2
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
Can't log in

Just installed Mepis 6.0-2 Impressed beyond belief but knew I would make a dumb mistake sooner or later. Made a few changes to Guarddog (dis-allowed some protocols) and added a new user on last session. Now when I boot, can't get the graphical log on screen. Pressing Ctrl Alt F7 takes me to a blank screen with a flashing cursor in the upper left corner. The cursor will not move and I cannot enter text. Only way out is forced shut down. If, instead of calling for the graphical log in I try logging in when prompted on the text screen I enter a user name then a new line comes up asking for a password but typing an entry produces no result. After the time out a new log in line comes up but I get the same result. Am I using the wrong syntax to log in on the text screen? Have I killed my software or did I just wing it?
Old 01-03-2007, 01:29 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Dec 2005
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Have you tried logging in as the old user or the root user?

Also, does your boot menu have a Rescue mode or Single mode?

If you can get in with root or single mode, try typing iptables -F to delete all the firewall rules you created for this session. Then try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then start up the xserver again (/etc/init.d/kdm restart -- or gdm/xdm depending on what is in the /etc/init.d directory).

Then change to the login screen and go back through your firewall rules. There should be a way to disable guarddog. Probably in the /etc/init.d directory, there's a script to run guarddog or iptables. You can temporarily disable it by doing a chmod -x iptables (or guarddog) and then rebooting. It'll probably yell at you, but it should be okay. Then you'll have to reenable them later...

Last edited by pljvaldez; 01-03-2007 at 01:35 PM.
Old 01-03-2007, 07:11 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Distribution: Mepis 6.0-2
Posts: 3

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Originally Posted by pljvaldez
Have you tried logging in as the old user or the root user?

Also, does your boot menu have a Rescue mode or Single mode?

If you can get in with root or single mode, try typing iptables -F to delete all the firewall rules you created for this session. Then try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then start up the xserver again (/etc/init.d/kdm restart -- or gdm/xdm depending on what is in the /etc/init.d directory).

Then change to the login screen and go back through your firewall rules. There should be a way to disable guarddog. Probably in the /etc/init.d directory, there's a script to run guarddog or iptables. You can temporarily disable it by doing a chmod -x iptables (or guarddog) and then rebooting. It'll probably yell at you, but it should be okay. Then you'll have to reenable them later...
Yes I've tried logging in as the old user and as root with the same result.
My boot menu does not offer Rescue mode. Tried Single mode and got the same result.
I would be happy to log in on the text screen but evidently I am not using the correct procedure. At the cue (mepis1 login: ) I type in a user name then press 'enter'. A new cue (Password: )comes up but nothing happens when I type. If I press 'enter' the cursor skips down 3 lines. My keystrokes show up on screen at that point but I get 'Login incorrect' before ever pressing 'enter 'and then it goes back to 'mepis1 login'
Really do want to keep Mepis.
Old 01-25-2007, 07:01 PM   #4
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: palmdale, california
Distribution: MEPIS 8; Debian (stable/testing)
Posts: 83

Rep: Reputation: 23
Originally Posted by ambatman
Yes I've tried logging in as the old user and as root with the same result.
My boot menu does not offer Rescue mode. Tried Single mode and got the same result.
I would be happy to log in on the text screen but evidently I am not using the correct procedure. At the cue (mepis1 login: ) I type in a user name then press 'enter'. A new cue (Password: )comes up but nothing happens when I type. If I press 'enter' the cursor skips down 3 lines. My keystrokes show up on screen at that point but I get 'Login incorrect' before ever pressing 'enter 'and then it goes back to 'mepis1 login'
Really do want to keep Mepis.
If I'm reading this correctly, it doesn't sound like there is really a problem at login. Logging in at the shell never produces visible results when typing the password. In other words, the cursor doesn't move when you type in the password. Just type your username, hit enter, and type the password, and hit enter again. Never mind that the cursopr doesn't move when typing the password, just take it on faith. Hope this helps!
Old 01-26-2007, 12:15 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Distribution: Mepis 6.0-2
Posts: 3

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Sorry I took so long to get back to this. Day job kept me away. Handydan probably had it right. Finally got in but not sure how. Obviously I should of posted in the newbie forum. Learning a lot now about Linux and forums both Amazed how well Mepis distro performs on my low powered (128RAM) laptop.


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