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Old 09-04-2005, 10:51 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Location: Tasmania, Australia
Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Workstation, Debian, Simply Mepis, Damn Small Linux
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Question Apt-get and Kpackage

Hi, All,
I installed Mepis 3.3 a few days ago, and it seems ok. But, when I try to use apt-get or Kpackage, I get errors saying that the attempts are timing out. I re-did the sources.list, and tried again. It is still timing out. Here are the error messages I get:

root@2[stevesmith]# apt-get update
Err testing/main Packages
Could not connect to (, connection timed out
Err testing/main Packages
Could not connect to (, connection timed out

This is happening no matter what sites I try to use! I've tried everything I can think of, including changing the cache size; nothing works. Any ideas? is it possible that a port apt-get needs to use hase been closed? How do I check? Incidentally, I don't think it has anything to do with guarddog; I disabled it and ran apt-get, and it still happened.



Old 09-05-2005, 01:14 AM   #2
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They both work when I click on them in a browser, so they are active.

Maybe going to Mepis site and finding different sources to use.
Old 09-05-2005, 04:35 AM   #3
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Hi, Bitta,
Thanks for responding! I've been trying different sites, debian and mepis, for 3 days; you can reach them by browser, but not apt-get, kpackage, or gftp. I've been trying to think of what can be blocking them, but I'm new to all of this, and I'm way out of my league(my computers have been in storage for the past year, so I haven't been able to work with linux much). Everyone I know that uses apt says it should work straight out of the box; mine doesn't.
Old 09-05-2005, 09:40 AM   #4
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Re: Apt-get and Kpackage

Originally posted by Farquar210
Hi, All,
I installed Mepis 3.3 a few days ago, and it seems ok. But, when I try to use apt-get or Kpackage, I get errors saying that the attempts are timing out. I re-did the sources.list, and tried again. It is still timing out. Here are the error messages I get:

root@2[stevesmith]# apt-get update
Err testing/main Packages
Could not connect to (, connection timed out
Err testing/main Packages
Could not connect to (, connection timed out
Seems to be a firewall problem.

Try this to be sure:

iptables -F
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
Try this first and make another connection attempt.
It could also be that the Debian server where temporarily out of line or simply overloaded, both things can result in timeouts.

Incidentally, I don't think it has anything to do with guarddog;
Bad thought. It has. I didn't saw this as I first read your post. Guarddog is the culprit.
Get a better firewall, not a good one, get The FIREWALL(TM):
Firestarter, n00b-proof, dead easy to setup, powerfull, grafic, allows real-time management, systray aware for both Gnome and KDE...
They already owe me a beer case for advertising...

Last edited by runlevel0; 09-05-2005 at 10:12 AM.
Old 09-05-2005, 11:45 AM   #5
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have a direct access to internet or you go thru a proxy ?
if last is the case you must precise it in the apt.conf
in my case ( i have a direct access) this is my apt.conf

APT:efault-Release "unstable";
APT::Cache-Limit 10000000;
Acquire::cdrom::Mount "/mnt/cdrom";
Acquire::http::Proxy "http://bela:xxxxxx@";;

bela is the name and xxxxxx the passwd required by my proxy

best regards
Old 09-06-2005, 04:23 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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It seems to be DNS problems; if I swap the URLs for IP addresses, it works (for the most part). I am still receiving a few errors, from the Mepis site mostly, but I think they may be problems with the sites. I have ADSL, and no proxy that I am aware of

Old 09-07-2005, 08:10 PM   #7
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DNS problems


Actually, there are quite a number of folks reporting problems with domain name resolve issues in apt, Firefox, and / or Synaptic under Mepis. No real reason uncovered as yet but it happens mostly with people using an aDSL connection to the Internet. Yes, IP addresses will solve the problem *if* you can figure out all the IP addresses and type them instead of domain names.

Very puzzling at this time.

Old 09-09-2005, 10:41 AM   #8
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MEPIS sorces.list DNS error workaround

I am running SimplyMEPIS; but using cable, so I don't have your error problems. However, I thought writing the following bash snippet was interesting. I tested it by pasting it into a "Super User Terminal" & it worked fine -- the resulting /etc/apt/sources.test was just what I intended.
# Copyright (c) 2005 by f.a.archibald.iii -- all rights reserved
# Use at your own risk
# *** As root ***

# Set variables

# Make a back up & a test file

# Run 
echo -e "\n\n\n# Special IP lines\n"  >> $TEST
for H in `awk '$1 ~ "deb" {print $2}' $TEST  \
        | awk -F/ '{print $3}'               \
        | grep -v "^$"  | uniq                 `
do  IP=`host $H  | head -1  | awk '{print $4}'`  ; 
    SED="sed -nes/$H/$IP/p  $TEST"; 
    $SED >> $TEST; 
    echo >> $TEST; 

# Check results
less $TEST
When you are sure you are happy w/ the results:
Of course if you get buyer's remorse:
If you are interested in how it works, RTFMs, then ask Q's. I have deliberately broken lines & added extra spaces to make it (relatively) easy to read.

Last edited by archtoad6; 09-12-2005 at 07:23 PM.
Old 09-11-2005, 08:21 PM   #9
LQ Newbie
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Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Workstation, Debian, Simply Mepis, Damn Small Linux
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Hi, Rick,
Thanks for your response! I'm going to give that snippet a try. If I could get cable I would, but aDSL is the fastest internet available where I live in Tasmania. As it turns out, I believe my probs were being caused by my Service Provider! Over the weekend, Their DHCP server smoked; I called them to see what was happening, and the tech had me hook straight into one of their DNS servers. I'm still having a few probs connecting with a site or 2, but the resolve issues are gone. Now, if I could only quit getting 'no such site' errors when I try to use apt-get update to connect with the Mepis update site and the Nerim site.....



Last edited by Farquar210; 09-11-2005 at 08:24 PM.
Old 09-12-2005, 07:29 PM   #10
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Found a bunch of errors in my code, edited them out, tested WAY more throughly.
Use the version dated: "09-12-2005 at 06:23 PM"

Glad I looked again.
Old 09-12-2005, 08:45 PM   #11
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Check out the "upgrade problems" message on Mepis Lovers.
Old 09-12-2005, 09:58 PM   #12
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Here is the relevant part:
This is from mos and cblue:

All users of Mepis need to edit their /etc/apt/sources.list file using a text editor as root (or su) and delete the apt sources for the non-us debian repos.

Also, change the repos to read instead.

After Debian released their Sarge distro, they decided to do away with the non-us repos and now all Mepis users will get apt-get update errors unless they take the non-us repositories out of their sources.list file.

See this topic too, for more help and info.
Here is some code that should save a manual edit:
# Copyright (c) 2005 by f.a.archibald.iii -- all rights reserved
# Use at your own risk
# *** As root ***

# Set variables

# Make a back up & a test file

# Run
grep -v non-us  $ORIG          \
| sed '/^#\?deb/ s,,ftp,' > $TEST

# Check results
less $TEST
diff $ORIG $TEST  | less
As above, when you are sure you are happy w/ the results:
Of course if you get buyer's remorse:

Last edited by archtoad6; 09-12-2005 at 10:43 PM.


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