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Old 02-03-2007, 01:58 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Posts: 3

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Thumbs up another happy MEPIS defector

Well I decided to drop windows and get to grips with Linux. Downloaded all the major distros and tried to load up a few today... with varying results! Had to use the noapic switch on all installations to get anything to run, but apart from that :

Fedora Core 6 - failed - screen reported multiple bugs relating to my dual core AMD CPU. Failed installation.

OpenSUSE 10.2 - failed. Just hung for over an hour. Failed installation.

Ubuntu 6.10 - failed. LiveCD ran fine, but it couldn't install to the hard disk - the partitioning utility just sat there at 50% for over an hour. Failed installation.

MEPIS 6 - no problems whatsoever. Installer ran fine, all hardware detected correctly and worked from the start. Just have to install the extra codecs to get MP3s and DVDs to run - otherwise a great system! I don't know why Mepis ran when Ubuntu didn't, but hey I'm just happy that its up and running

Great work Mepis team!
Old 02-03-2007, 04:00 PM   #2
Registered: Dec 2005
Distribution: Fedora, CentOS
Posts: 515

Rep: Reputation: 66
Mepis was my first distro that I actually got to learn before I went off on a tangent and did distro hopping. Recently, I installed it again along with my Windows & Ubuntu partitions & I think that's where I'm staying.

If you're still curious, PCLinuxOS is another good distro to look at. I prefer deb over rpm because it installs faster, but it's still worth checking out.

While the partitioner didn't hang in Ubuntu 6.10, I noticed that it paused for a little at 50% before it went to the next step. Mepis is based on mostly dapper(6.06) & a few breezy(5.10) packages, which is more stable than edgy (6.10).

I find it strange that Fedora gave you errors about your cpu because it uses the newest kernel. I didn't have any issues with it until its flood of updates came in, along with whole new kernels, which broke my wifi & nvidia drivers.

With openSusE, I had to give a "maxcpus=0" at start & a noapic when it was installed. It worked fine, but it was too slow for me.

--On a side note, if you have a modern nvidia card (geforce 3 & newer), synaptic will try to install version 8776 of nvidia-glx. Don't do this because the kernel is built around 8762. Instead, get this file:
and install that. Next, under synaptic, search for nvidia-glx, select it, click package, lock version, and choose 8762. That way, synaptic won't update it.

Anyway, enjoy using mepis!
Old 02-06-2007, 07:28 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2007
Posts: 3

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Rep: Reputation: 0
Thanks for the NVidia tip


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