XMMS + Mdk 10.0B2 AMD64 no workie
My hardware is in my sig. I have been kinda battling this (64-bit Linux) for a few months now but am still a noob so be gentle ;^). I think I have pretty much everything working (nvidia, SATA RAID1, UT2K4 64-bit, sound mostly). What I have not been able to do is get XMMS running. I have searched bazillions of threads and googled around but haven't found this problem. If I run XMMS from the console (root or usr doesn't matter) I get this error:
/usr/lib64/xmms/Input/libmpg123.so: undefined symbol: mpg123_synth_1to1_mmx
The GUI comes up but I can't play any mp3 files. I hit play it asks for a file, I select it and nothing happens. Any help on this is very much appreciated. I have tried different outputs in preferences ALSA 1.2.9, aRts Ouput 0.7.1, and OSS Driver 1.2.9 to no avail.
mplayer works, as well as totem. I guess if I could find a good GUI for mplayer that would work as well, but I have been a long time winamp user and xmms looks familiar.
Last edited by DoTheDog; 04-21-2004 at 01:01 AM.