Interesting, I had the same problem. Used to have an icon appear on desktop, have not for some time now. After reading your post last night, this is what I did:
plug your removeable device in. Right click on blank spot on desktop. Choose: Create New > Device > Hard Disk Device...
On the pop up window left click on the "Device" tab. If you click on the "down arrow button" you will see a list of all the mass storage devices currently attached, for me, I have /dev/sda1 (/mnt/removeable). The device icon that appears on the desktop will be named "Hard Disk Device", simply right click and choose "rename", and Intelligent stick or what ever you want to call it.
Well, after doing that, I had a device icon that stayed on the desktop for my removable drives, but when I plugged one in, the proper icon appeared that used to. I was able to mount and unmount using either icon. I then deleted the one I created. So far the icon calling itself "generic storage device"is still appearing every time I plug in my thumbdrives. This is too weird, but working again for me. Not much of a fix, but it worked for me, try it out.
Just too weird, tried my intelligent stick, and it now too has an icon pop up on desktop called "usb card intelligent stic", just like it has not done in a month or so.
Probably a more orthodox way to fix this glitch, but that is all I did and desktop icons are all appearing again.
Last edited by Lakota; 06-05-2005 at 02:26 PM.