What do you mean by "pixely"? Do you want your fonts on an LCD screen (running Linux) to look like how the fonts do on an LCD screen running Windows? In my opinion, anti-alaised fonts look like hell on an LCD screen. There is a way to do this, but it requires a change in /some/dir/freetype-2.1.9/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h before you compile freetype.
Download the latest version of freetype2 at:
After it is downloaded, as root copy it somewhere (i.e. /usr/share, or /usr/local) and:
# tar -zxvf freetype-2.1.9.tar.gz
Now, in "/some/dir/freetype-2.1.9/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h" hunt for
around line 439. Remove the "/*" and "*/" at the beginning and end of the line. Save the changes. Go back to /some/dir/freetype-2.1.9/ and as root, type:
# ./configure --prefix=/usr
# make install
You will see a bunch of warnings about breaking anti-aliasing rules, but no worries. Now, install any Windows fonts you want. I installed them via 2 RPMs I found at
http://webperf.org/msfonts/. Now, go to your fonts settings and select something like Tahoma or Verdana, which look nice on an LCD screen, and TURN OFF anti-aliasing. Log off and log back in. Now you have lovely Windows fonts on your Linux LCD screen (screen shot
http://asuaf.org/~kpapp/downloads/Screenshot.png). The only problem I have found, is that not all fonts are affected (i.e. system GUI stuff like "Configure Your Computer" and Gnome apps) by the previous method if you use KDE...Gnome is good to go.