Hi there, I'm having the same problems getting mail alerts from mandrake control conter and from smartd.
I've searched logs and found these error messages in "messages" (all from smartd, nothing from control center)
Mar 4 12:34:51 skankpuss smartd[5746]: Sending warning via mail to xxx@localhost
xxxx@xxxxx.co.uk ...
Mar 4 12:34:51 skankpuss smartd[5746]: Warning via mail to xxx@localhost
xxxx@xxxxx.co.uk produced unexpected output (36 bytes) to STDOUT/STDERR: sh: line 1: mail: command not found
Mar 4 12:34:51 skankpuss smartd[5746]: Warning via mail to xxx@localhost
xxxx@xxxxx.co.uk: failed (32-bit/8-bit exit status: 32512/127)
Mar 4 12:34:53 skankpuss sendmail: sendmail.sendmail startup succeeded
Mar 4 12:34:53 skankpuss sendmail: sm-client startup succeeded
I installed and started postfix, and I still get
#bash: mail: command not found
if I enter mail on a console
I'd appreciate it if someone could help out too.