Postfix Problems
I am using Mandrake 9.2 and Evolution in which I have selected the Sendmail option. Up until 48 hours ago outwards mail worked fine. Evolution would forward to Postfix not Sendmail and it would go out without problem. Now no outwards mail is being processed. I can see the mail being queued in the /etc/spool/postfix/defer or deferred directories and can see that some of them have DNS resolution problems.
The only changes I have made to system is a new ADSL modem to replace one that lost its settings. The new modem has has its address previous was
I have corrected the gateway address in Mandrake byt as stated above no mail is going out.
If I flick Evolution over SMTP at my DSL provider mail works fine but I prefer to retain the ability to handle my own email instead of relying on ISP.
I have tried restarting and flushing Postfix but the mail just doesn't move.
Any suggestions of where to look would be appreciated.
Have thought of trying qmail but where would I tell Evolution that qmail was my mailer. It only offers Sendmail or SMTP