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Old 05-24-2007, 07:21 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
Location: South Carolina
Distribution: Mandriva 2007
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P2P progs will not install

Ok guys,

I think I got a good one this time.

Recently had to do a reinstall, because I couldn't get HP printer to work. (Mandriva 2007).

Since then, I have had trouble with 2 Issues that are probably related. It seems that JRE is the problem. First, I can't get Firefox to recognize the freshly installed Java. I know it's there, and is working properly because it works in Opera. I have removed and replaced the symbolic links, but still no go.
my Java is located here:

My Firefox is located here:
usr/lib/mozilla-firefox- (where I created the symbolic link with:

ln -s /usr/lib/jre1.6.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/

I cant get Limewire to install, It tells me that It needs JRE......

Frostwire will install but will not run.

I Installed Amule, but it will not run either.

I have set up easyURPMI for the updated packages. and have updated several times.

One question is: DO I have to Uninstall limewire (or frostwire) that may have been there before? If so perhaps someone can explain that process to me.

The other question is:

How can I get Firefox to jecognize the Java installed. Do I have to re-install Java (possibly in a different location)

BTW I have tried installing from the Terminal and the KDE software installer.

I am still liking the Mandriva, and I am sure that this is just something that I am doing wrong.

Help me out here guys..... You have been a big help with all the other problems, Maybe this one is more of a challenge.....


Dell Dimension 4100
Mandriva 2007 free
Old 05-24-2007, 08:13 PM   #2
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Are you sure that's where your Java is installed? Mine is in /usr/java/jre1.6.0_01/lib/i386
Old 05-25-2007, 01:43 AM   #3
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I have the java packages installed that came with Mandriva 2007.1 (Spring) - the Internet Software Media Sources. My java plugin file is located at
When I used the rpm from sun (java 1.5), java was installed under
I had trouble using jre 6u1 as downloaded from sun, but jre 6 works fine when installed using the Mandriva packages.

Konqueror still wants the ns4 plugin (when will they upgrade?), so I use jre 1.4.2_x for Konqueror from sun's WEB site.

Old 05-25-2007, 02:47 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by ernie
I have the java packages installed that came with Mandriva 2007.1 (Spring) - the Internet Software Media Sources. My java plugin file is located at
When I used the rpm from sun (java 1.5), java was installed under
I had trouble using jre 6u1 as downloaded from sun, but jre 6 works fine when installed using the Mandriva packages.

Konqueror still wants the ns4 plugin (when will they upgrade?), so I use jre 1.4.2_x for Konqueror from sun's WEB site.

I had trouble with the sun java package, the installation path was incorrect. I'm surprised Opera found the java libs. Try this test to confirm Java is installed correctly:

What problem did you have with the jre-6u1-linux-i586 package?
Old 05-25-2007, 03:39 AM   #5
LQ Guru
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I use the java 6 update 1 rpms from the Sun website. After installing the rpm, you need to add it to your path so that apps like Limewire know where to find your java installation. You can copy the script below and place in /etc/profile.d (you need to be root), name it something like and make it executable (chmod a+x /etc/profile.d/
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.6.0_01
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jre1.6.0_01/bin
export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/java/jre1.6.0_01/man
When you next logout and back in again, java will be in your path.


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