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-   -   nvidia driver doesn't work (

dolphans1 10-28-2003 09:56 PM

You see dalek, I don't even know how to get to "X", is that the same thing as the X-terminal.

With thiz-linux operating system, I would download the software program, then unpackage it (which is uncompressing it.) Then un-tar it and then run the install commands in the x-terminal.

In Mandrake, I don't know where to even begin.



Originally posted by dalek
I think it is about 5 or 6 bucks a month. Go to the website and there should be a link to join.

Oh heck. Here is a link. Click in the upper right hand corner where it says " please follow this link." under the login and password form.

I think they take credit cards too.

You will still have to do the same thing to install even if it is a rpm though. You will have to kill 'x' and do it in command line then restart 'x'. Same thing, different command. That's all.


:D :D :D :D

dalek 10-29-2003 12:19 AM

Ok, let's explain a bit.

'X' is the screen that is like windoze. It has a picture, usually, and those little icons to click on. That is also, in most distros, considered "init 5".

Command line. It looks like DOS. No pictures, just text. No icons. No mouse either. Want to run a command, you have to type it in.

If you have a reasonably fast system you may be able to make it without the driver. If you play games in Linux then you will almost surely need the driver.

A little about init levels, just the basics.

init 0 is same as halt, power off, or shutdown and cutoff the power.

init 1 is single user. No network and only one user at a time, usually the one setting at the screen and keyboard.

init 2 is not used much. If you have it then it is probably custom.

init 3 is multi-user. Sometimes it has a network, sometimes not. Is basically the same thing as booting to failsafe with a few differences. Failsafe will NOT work when installing the drivers. I tried it. I was introduced to 'vi' then.

init 4 is not used much either, kind of init 2 as far as custom anyway.

init 5 is fully loaded with 'X' running. Full network, everything mounted for access, multiuser and the whole deal.

init 6 is same as reboot.

That's the basics of that.

You are most likely in init 5 at this point. You have to be in init 3 to install the driver then go back to init 5 to see if it works.

Put the driver in the /root directory. You can do this when you download the driver. Just put in /root for location to save in. If it won't let you do that then you can move it with 'File Manager -Super User'. Start thingy then Applications then File Tools then File Manager. Open the folder that you saved it to and drag it to the /root directory. You can open the root directory and make sure it is there.

Change the driver to "nvidia" in the XF86Config-4 file like in the how to. It is in the path /etc/X11 directory. Do not change the inittab file if you do the way below. You will be changing that from a Konsole.

Make sure you have saved and closed your apps first. They ARE about to be killed.

Go to a terminal, Start thingy then Terminals and 'Konsole - Super User' then put in root password. Type in init 3. X will shutdown and you will get a text prompt, like DOS. Login as root.
Type in ls, that is a small "L", and see if the driver is there. The ls is same as dir in DOS. If not, type in cd /root . Type in ls again. It should be right there. Either way, type in sh NVIDIA<rest of file name> and hit return. It must match exactly, upper case and lower case stuff. Accept the license using the arrow keys and hit enter. When the driver gets installed you will be back at the prompt. Type in startx. If you see a white screen with NVIDIA in the middle then all is well.

I would then just reboot. You may get back to a text thing when you choose logout. No problem. Type in su and then the root password and then type in init 6. It will then reboot. Most distros require root access to shutdown or reboot when in command line.

If x doesn't start, it will take you back to a command line and you will get a error message. Write down the part that starts with (EE). That's the part that boo boo'd. We need that. If you can't, or don't want to, change the driver back to "nv" then you can as root type in init 6 and it will reboot and you can choose windoze to come here and get help.

It has not failed me yet. The only reason I can see that you will have problems is if the driver is bad from the download. The reason for typing in startx instead of init 5 is that if you type in startx and it fails, you will come back to a prompt after it gives up. If you type in init 5 and something goes wrong, it will just sit there and blink at you. Reset button is usually used at that point. Not good.

If when you type in startx you get a RED screen for a desktop and it looks funny, logout and reboot. When you get that you are in X as root. You should also get a warning box too. DO NOT connect to the net. You are vulnerable to whatever someone can think of. You should NOT use that unless you are sure of what you're into. Everything you do has root access.

I think I just wrote another how to.

If you don't understand something, just ask. If I can I'll help, if not someone else will.


:D :D :D

I proofed this for a while. My typing is not the best. Of course sometimes my proofing ain't either.:cry:

dolphans1 10-29-2003 12:55 AM

Thanks dalek
My Linux is running strong and fat tonight, like a powerful surf, I don't want to get out of the water.

I am using my older computer and it works great.

I replaced my ZOOM external modem for anothe Best Date Modem and that took care of my browser problem.

I am studing your notes and will takcle this project soon.



Originally posted by dalek
Ok, let's explain a bit.

'X' is the screen that is like windoze. It has a picture, usually, and those little icons to click on. That is also, in most distros, considered "init 5".

Command line. It looks like DOS. No pictures, just text. No icons. No mouse either. Want to run a command, you have to type it in.

If you have a reasonably fast system you may be able to make it without the driver. If you play games in Linux then you will almost surely need the driver.

A little about init levels, just the basics.

init 0 is same as halt, power off, or shutdown and cutoff the power.

init 1 is single user. No network and only one user at a time, usually the one setting at the screen and keyboard.

init 2 is not used much. If you have it then it is probably custom.

init 3 is multi-user. Sometimes it has a network, sometimes not. Is basically the same thing as booting to failsafe with a few differences. Failsafe will NOT work when installing the drivers. I tried it. I was introduced to 'vi' then.

init 4 is not used much either, kind of init 2 as far as custom anyway.

init 5 is fully loaded with 'X' running. Full network, everything mounted for access, multiuser and the whole deal.

init 6 is same as reboot.

That's the basics of that.

You are most likely in init 5 at this point. You have to be in init 3 to install the driver then go back to init 5 to see if it works.

Put the driver in the /root directory. You can do this when you download the driver. Just put in /root for location to save in. If it won't let you do that then you can move it with 'File Manager -Super User'. Start thingy then Applications then File Tools then File Manager. Open the folder that you saved it to and drag it to the /root directory. You can open the root directory and make sure it is there.

Change the driver to "nvidia" in the XF86Config-4 file like in the how to. It is in the path /etc/X11 directory. Do not change the inittab file if you do the way below. You will be changing that from a Konsole.

Make sure you have saved and closed your apps first. They ARE about to be killed.

Go to a terminal, Start thingy then Terminals and 'Konsole - Super User' then put in root password. Type in init 3. X will shutdown and you will get a text prompt, like DOS. Login as root.
Type in ls, that is a small "L", and see if the driver is there. The ls is same as dir in DOS. If not, type in cd /root . Type in ls again. It should be right there. Either way, type in sh NVIDIA<rest of file name> and hit return. It must match exactly, upper case and lower case stuff. Accept the license using the arrow keys and hit enter. When the driver gets installed you will be back at the prompt. Type in startx. If you see a white screen with NVIDIA in the middle then all is well.

I would then just reboot. You may get back to a text thing when you choose logout. No problem. Type in su and then the root password and then type in init 6. It will then reboot. Most distros require root access to shutdown or reboot when in command line.

If x doesn't start, it will take you back to a command line and you will get a error message. Write down the part that starts with (EE). That's the part that boo boo'd. We need that. If you can't, or don't want to, change the driver back to "nv" then you can as root type in init 6 and it will reboot and you can choose windoze to come here and get help.

It has not failed me yet. The only reason I can see that you will have problems is if the driver is bad from the download. The reason for typing in startx instead of init 5 is that if you type in startx and it fails, you will come back to a prompt after it gives up. If you type in init 5 and something goes wrong, it will just sit there and blink at you. Reset button is usually used at that point. Not good.

If when you type in startx you get a RED screen for a desktop and it looks funny, logout and reboot. When you get that you are in X as root. You should also get a warning box too. DO NOT connect to the net. You are vulnerable to whatever someone can think of. You should NOT use that unless you are sure of what you're into. Everything you do has root access.

I think I just wrote another how to.

If you don't understand something, just ask. If I can I'll help, if not someone else will.


:D :D :D

I proofed this for a while. My typing is not the best. Of course sometimes my proofing ain't either.:cry:

dalek 10-29-2003 01:06 AM

It's like riding a bike. It looks like you are going to break your leg or something. Then you get on that thing and you don't want to stop then. You want to ride forever, well almost.

Linux is different. It is not windoze. I hope that some of the info has helped a bit. If so, we'll clear up some more mud later.


:D :D :D
They need a emoticon for sleepy. That how to is rough.:tisk:

hal_2001 10-29-2003 04:38 PM

The basic Mandrake Club member is 60 Euros a year. I guess this is roughly 5 dollars a month.

The advantage of binary RPMs is the package is already built and so should just install. Because the RPM is constructed on a Mandrake system like yours, it is more likely to work than running the NVIDIA shell script which is general purpose.

There is an installer program called urpmi which can be used to install the RPMs.

For installing the nvidia drivers, it is important to not be runing the X server when installing these drivers. This is because files need to be modified during install which are used by the X server.

In fact the nVidia shell script did not work for me on Mandrake 9.2 so I installed the RPMs which did work.

Important, if you change kernel versions you will need to update your nVidia drivers otherwise you will have a blank screen again.

dolphans1 10-29-2003 10:13 PM

Thanks, I would prefer to have a clean install
I would prefer to have a clean install, if I could.



Originally posted by hal_2001
The basic Mandrake Club member is 60 Euros a year. I guess this is roughly 5 dollars a month.

The advantage of binary RPMs is the package is already built and so should just install. Because the RPM is constructed on a Mandrake system like yours, it is more likely to work than running the NVIDIA shell script which is general purpose.

There is an installer program called urpmi which can be used to install the RPMs.

For installing the nvidia drivers, it is important to not be runing the X server when installing these drivers. This is because files need to be modified during install which are used by the X server.

In fact the nVidia shell script did not work for me on Mandrake 9.2 so I installed the RPMs which did work.

Important, if you change kernel versions you will need to update your nVidia drivers otherwise you will have a blank screen again.

winglin 10-30-2003 09:59 AM


[i]As you used the install script, how did you uninstall the nvidia drivers ? Just curious. [/B]
I used the command 'nvidia-installer --uninstall' as described in the readme.

I have no plans of becoming a Mandrake club member soon. My nvidia driver doesn't work, can't connect to the internet yet although modem was already installed, and sound doesn't work. I don't have these problems in RedHat 9.

I guess I'll figure these problems out in time.. but I'm taking it slowly, don't have so much time for linux everyday. So frustrating the amount of patience needed to make even the simpliest things work.

Or maybe I'll just go back and install RedHat.

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