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Mandriva This Forum is for the discussion of Mandriva (Mandrake) Linux.


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Old 01-27-2005, 02:42 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Linuxville, USA
Distribution: Red Hat-->Mandrake
Posts: 46

Rep: Reputation: 15
Unhappy NTFS partition cannot be mounted after converting from FAT32

Hi, I have a dual boot with Windows XP pro and Mandrake 10.1 OE

The problem...after I installed Mandrake everything was fine. I could access my Windows Fat32 partition from Linux. But, I converted my one of my FAT32 partitions to NTFs for better security, and no Mandrake cannot mount the partition. When Mandrake is booting up, there is an error that says something like:

Mounting filesystems [Failed] Wrong partition type, or too many filesysterms mounted.

I have four partitions on my computer.

1)Windows XP partition (NTFS)
2)Data partition (NTFS) (Was originally FAT32)
3)My Reiser "/" partition for mandrake
4) My Swap partition for linux.

I have tried unmounting my Windows partition, but Mandrake does not even see my DATA partition. All this trouble started AFTER I converted the partition from within Windows.

I have LILO installed on the MBR.

I'm wondering if perhaps I have to reinstall LILO to the MBR? Would then Linux be able to access my NTFS partition.

I refuse to believe that there are 'too many' partitions mounted, becasuee there are the same amount of partitions as before, and YES, my FAT32 partition WAS accessible.

What should I do? Could I reinstall LILO without having to reinstall Mandrake from scratch? What would this even solve the problem?
Old 01-27-2005, 02:46 PM   #2
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edit /etc/fstab and change the file type from fat32 to ntfs for that part.

btw, that was a pretty bad move.... you can now not write to that partition from linux.
Old 01-27-2005, 02:57 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2004
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So, I cannot ever write to that partition again???

I'll just format and reinstall Mandrake, and then what?
Old 01-27-2005, 03:11 PM   #4
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well... you CAN write to it, but not without running a very high risk of destroying data on it. if you want to blame someone, blame M$.

why do you want to format and reinstall anything??? to make the partition readable, it's really easy, just do what i said.
Old 01-27-2005, 03:13 PM   #5
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Linuxville, USA
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Let me guess, Madrake palnned this out years in advance?

Will the next version of Mandrake have write planned, or will they leave us in suspense for another 3 or 4 years?

"This is why they call it M*A*R*K*E*T*I*N*G, if they gave you all the bells and whistles at once, they'd have to sell th OS for hundrends, and then be out of business."
Old 01-27-2005, 04:11 PM   #6
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OK, i'm getting the idea you don't really understand what linux is that well...

"Mandrake" do not write file system support. they do not write device drivers. they take the software that already exists, and tie it together.

there is very poor ntfs write support because there is NO DOCUMENTATION FOR NTFS. Why? Because Microsoft wrote it, and don't want other people to be able to use it. Do you really think it would be in the state it was if people had clear instructions on how the file system works???

asking about the next version... just doesn't make sense.... it's the kernel that contains this functionality, not some arbitrary collection of applications bundled with a configuration centre and an installer under the banner of "Mandrake Linux"

these guys do the NTFS part specifically....


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