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Old 03-04-2005, 04:37 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
Posts: 25

Rep: Reputation: 15
nforce2 audio + mandrake 10.1 works, finally

Alright, this is for those who are having trouble with sound after installing the NFORCE audio divers (for instance, getting no system sounds and no sound with some apps, while with others such as xmms everything works fine). I'm speaking of the box that pops up with the nasty message of aRTs cursing at you for some reason (i did not really care about that).
Now, usually there is a slightly to sickly perverted solution under linux to solve some problems like this one, but in this case is somehow "simple" - let's say 3 out of 10 points on the perversion meter.

So, enough with chatting, here it is, step by step:

1. Install the NFORCE drivers. Again. You never know.
2. Pop up a console window
3. type 'emacs /etc/modprobe.conf'
4. put a # at the beginning of the lines that contains any refernce to the sound drivers installed previously (there should be something like,for EXAMPLE, 'install snd-intel8x0 /sbin/modprobe bla bla bla bla' or 'remove snd-intel8x0 bla bla bla'). Put the # even at the beginning of the line that states 'alias sound-slot-0 whatever' where 'whatever' is the old non-nforce sound driver.
5. Now type: (obviously without the ' ) 'alias sound-slot-0 nvsound'
6. Click on File -> Save. then File -> Exit
7. Now type 'emacs /etc/modprobe.preload'
8. Type nvsound in a new line (i'm not sure this is needed, but it doesn't hurt, so just do it).
9. The bad part has gone, now it's all easier. Close the console and click on that star in the lower-left corner of your KDE, choose System -> Configuration -> KDE -> Sound (or Audio) -> Sound Server.
10. Set the buffer to 58ms
11. Click on Hardware, then select Threaded Open Sound System as audio device
12. Uncheck everything else
13. Back to the first tab, click Sound Test.

Does it work? It did for me, i hope it does for you too. These are things where linux should be seriously improved, no standard user would go through all of this.
Old 03-07-2005, 12:15 AM   #2
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Registered: Jul 2003
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Distribution: Suse 6.0+, Mandrake 5.0-10.0, Redhat 6.0-9.0, Gentoo 1.2+, Gnoppix, Knoppix, Sabayon, Ubuntu 5.04+
Posts: 1,811

Rep: Reputation: 45
Alright, this is for those who are having trouble with sound after installing the NFORCE audio drivers...

Dump mandrake, install suse or gentoo, as both distro's have had this installing correctly without problems for the past 2 or 3 versions...


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