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Old 12-10-2005, 09:28 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Newbie How to change user password mandriva 2006

For the life of me i am unable to change the user password in mandrivia 2006 i changed the root password by clicking on the link configuration,other change password but how do i change the user password no link for that.also can i force the system to accept a password that it say`s is to simplistic the one i want to use does not seem simplistic to me.
Old 12-10-2005, 10:50 AM   #2
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Open a terminal window from the GUI.

If you're logged in as root you can change the user's password with:

passwd <username>

It will prompt you for the new password. If you're root you can probably override the password rules.
CAUTION: There's a reason for these rules - hackers can hit your system with automated utilities that try every word in the dictionary until they get a successful login.

If you're NOT logged in as root you can become root within the terminal window by typing:

su - root

It will prompt you for root's password. Once you do that you can issue the passwd command noted above.
Old 12-11-2005, 08:42 PM   #3
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If you prefer a GUI you can go into the Mandrake Control Centre there is a user manager in System. If the system is saying your password is too simple then it is - choose another one
Old 12-12-2005, 03:35 AM   #4
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I just used the layman method. As root, I used the "user administration" gui to change users' password.
Old 04-05-2006, 05:37 AM   #5
Registered: Dec 2005
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Originally Posted by jlightner
Open a terminal window from the GUI.

If you're logged in as root you can change the user's password with:

passwd <username>

It will prompt you for the new password. If you're root you can probably override the password rules.
CAUTION: There's a reason for these rules - hackers can hit your system with automated utilities that try every word in the dictionary until they get a successful login.

If you're NOT logged in as root you can become root within the terminal window by typing:

su - root

It will prompt you for root's password. Once you do that you can issue the passwd command noted above.
I tried that. The first time around it gave me the complaint that it was a dictionary word. The second time around, it worked. In my opinion, there is still a problem that needs addressing.


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