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Old 12-23-2004, 12:07 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Canada
Distribution: Mandrake
Posts: 30

Rep: Reputation: 15
MDK 10.1 + lirc + xmms issues

I have a Creative CIMR-100 IR receiver. Since I could not get the rpm version of lirc (0.6.6) does not appear to work (at least with this hardware), I have built the latest (Ver 0.7) from source.

- removed lirc rpm
- built and installed lirc from source ( -- ver 0.7.0
- Since this hardware requires no kernel module, I simply pointed /dev/lirc to my serial port (/dev/ttyS2)
- copied appropriate remote conf file to /etc/lircd.conf
- ran lircd using: lircd -d /dev/ttyS2
- ran irw and I was able to see the correct messages being echoed to the screen -- ie. EVERYTHING is working so far.

However, when I installed xmms-lirc it required liblirc and attempted to install liblirc rpm as well (ver 0.6.6). So I did a --nodeps during rpm installation of xmms-lirc rpm.

BUT I get the following message when I start xmms and enable the lirc plugin (under General tab):
xmms: could not connect to socket
xmms: Connection refused
LIRC Plugin 1.4: could not init LIRC support

Could someone help me debug this issue? How can I test why a socket connection is refused? Any help would be MUCH appreciated.



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