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Mandriva This Forum is for the discussion of Mandriva (Mandrake) Linux.


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Old 11-24-2004, 05:23 AM   #16
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 10

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First of all thank you everybody for trying helping me.

I tried both configurations for connecting the ram and rom. It still can't boot from cd.

Currently I'm not able to aquire a second HD.

I do not know about deleting winblows 100%.

I've never used Linux before just a few quick glances and Knoppix.

I'm very positiv towards this open source thing but I use a lot of Grafik and Lay out programs I'm afraid that they will not work under Linux.

Secondly I do not think that the real problem lays with booting from CD because I'm using the boot disk. It just loops at installation and gives me the above mentioned error report.
Old 11-25-2004, 10:56 PM   #17
Post Modern
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Distribution: Fedora Core, RH, Mandrake, Xandros, Knoppix
Posts: 110

Rep: Reputation: 15
still not quite sure, but------

Some flavors of Nix install on your desk-top, but won't install on your portable - others are for installing on a pentium architecture instead of an AMD/Intel arcitecture, and some (not that you'll run into this) are built for dual CPUs.

Try another flavor of Nix, and see if the problem goes away - you can always go back to your primary choice and just re-install it.... or just see if Knoppix will install in RAM and give you an internet connection (or whatever you do on your system) - in that case, if it does, it's a version problem - just pick another version of Nix (like 9.0 instead of 10.0).
If it doesn't work for you, you'll have to go to a compatibility chart, and start matching your system with any requirements the version you pick is homogenous with....

All in all, it sounds like a graphics problem, your resolution isn't resolving, so it hangs up, and the system is either looping at that point or locked into a partial install (Nix "installs" every time you turn on your system).
That would be a graphics card problem - you got a newfanged whiz-bang 5000 ??
Or are you using something standard, like a generic 16 bit graphics card ??
Nvidia drivers have problems sometimes with Nix, others report problems with the ATI Radeon series cards.


I never had problems with either card, but some Nix systems don't like their drivers for some reason - any time I can't get a system to load-up and run right from the first install, I either install Red Hat 8.0 or Mandrake 9.0 - they're pretty stable releases, and that usually takes care of the problem, then I know it's a version problem.... sometimes I just leave 8.0 or 9.0 on the system, and I have no problems after that - I haven't even tried 10.1 community release yet....

BTW - there are a LOT pf good graphics .pgms out there for Nix - Gimp even does layers, and there are some 3D Rendering .pgms out there that will knock your sox off... just remember - Google is your friend....

(I Googled "3D Rendering Linux" and got 400,000 replies - including VeriCAD - and dozens of great Nix graphic animation links too...)

Here's two of my favorites: and



Last edited by Post Modern; 11-25-2004 at 11:32 PM.


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