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rangersbilly 01-04-2005 11:06 AM

Mandrake needs to go back to the drawing board
I had Mandrake 10.0 installed and apart from a shut down problem (which I thought would be fixed in later versions) ran perfectly well. I downloaded 10.1 from one of there official sites and Christ Almighty! What an utter fuck-up.

If there is any USB devices plugged in during installation Man 10.1 hangs at finding New Hardware. What is more and really a pain in the arse is that it sees my Speedtouch 330 USB as port 21, which it very kindly disables. So, I have to unplug all the USB ports before Man 10.1 will load.

As soon as I plug the Modem in after the system has loaded a screen pops up <Disabling Port 21>.

I thought that updated versions of software were supposed to be an improvement with any known bugs resolved, but not in the case of Man 10.1. Oh and by the way it is the same with 10.2.

Has anyone else found similar problems?

kevinatkins 01-04-2005 11:24 AM


i haven't had quite the problems you've experienced, but yes, i tried mandrake 10.1 as a replacement for 10.0, and found 10.1 to be a bit, er, flaky in places. in fact, on one machine it was a shambles. so i'm back with 10.0 - which runs nicely...

Proud 01-04-2005 11:27 AM

rangersbilly, is your Speedtouch 330 the silver one (rev4), and have you got it to work with the kernel of Mdk10.1?

rangersbilly 01-04-2005 12:40 PM

By the way I am writing to this forum using Win XP
I am running an AMD 2500+
256 RAM
NVidia GeForce FX 5200 (128MB)
Gygabyte GA7VX board (6 USB)

When I used Man 10.0 my modem lights were on as soon as I set the system up. Now it hangs if I so much as attempt to plug the modem into any of them.

I attempted to configure the modem while it was unplugged by running tar xzvf speedtouchconf-10-Nov-2004 with the Rev4 for the silver as you say. That is what i did with Man 10.0

At first I had to install bc and pppd. But it doesn't matter how I try. As soon as my modem is plugged in Man 10.1 refuses to go any further.

Padma 01-04-2005 02:28 PM

Have you tried booting with the "noapic" option? It sounds like the IRQ handler is getting in the way.

rangersbilly 01-04-2005 02:52 PM

To boot with 'noapic' Do I boot from consul '#linux noapic'

I tried doing #linux noapic then linux noapic noapci Didn't work

I would have tried from the GUI screen

Menu > System > Configuration > Configure Your Computer > Boot > Boot Loader etc...etc. But I can't get that far. Oh and before you ask I did check the iso burns with the md's.

So is it a case where Mandrake have stuffed this one and I find a distro that works (which funny enough Man 10.0 does extremely better than their later versions).

The reality of the situation is I'm pissed off having spent just over 10 hours downloading the iso files in the first place, so if I have to do another download I want to be sure they will run this time. And in saying that Mandrake are not doing themselves any favours.

Micro420 01-04-2005 04:21 PM

the noapic thing, I believe, is in your lilo.conf


Padma 01-04-2005 04:32 PM

Yes. If you can't get to the "Configure Your Computer" gui, just edit your "/etc/lilo.conf" file, and rerun lilo.

The appropriate bit from my lilo.conf:

append="noapic acpi=ht resume=/dev/hda6 splash=silent"

rangersbilly 01-04-2005 04:49 PM

An Officer and a Gentleman
Thank-you Sergeant, that has done the trick. I hope that I can return a favour to you soon.

Ion Silverbolt 01-05-2005 10:52 AM

I noticed Mandrake 10.1 will hang at detecting hardware unless you have USB mouse support enabled in your BIOS. Might be worth enabling even if you're not using a USB mouse.

NelsonN 01-05-2005 01:32 PM


Originally posted by Ion Silverbolt
I noticed Mandrake 10.1 will hang at detecting hardware unless you have USB mouse support enabled in your BIOS. Might be worth enabling even if you're not using a USB mouse.
Apply the updates as soon as possible. There is a USB detection problem with Mandrake 10.1 that has fixed.

Proud 01-05-2005 01:38 PM

I've got my modem working, though the speedtouch scripts dont allow me to connect and disconnect but I know the commands they're wrappers for.

Anyone else got a problem where Updates cause the download dialog to end up displaying

Downloading package `' number in the hundreds/numbers in the tens
? Seems the thing counts through the requested packages before they're finished downloading, so it carries on incrementing as the rest comes in. Seems to eventually install them ok though.

Mike_Nasvadi 01-06-2005 05:39 AM

Re: Mandrake needs to go back to the drawing board

Originally posted by rangersbilly
Christ Almighty! What an utter fuck-up.

This pretty much sums up how I felt as well. I actually laughed pretty hard when I read your response here. I don't know what they did, but I don't like it.

salparadise 01-06-2005 09:27 AM

I've been using Mandrake since V9.0 and apart from a few bumps in 9.2 I've been well pleased...
until now that is.

What is it with the nvidia 6629 drivers that make them SO damned hard to install?
I've been unable to get anything other than an nvidia logo with bits of the login screen showing through or a screen full of pulsing white characters.
This has been the case with fedora core 2 & 3 and mandrake 10.1.
I've tried at least four different howto's, none of which work.
Why, if Ubuntu can make nvidia drivers precompiled and freely available via apt, do i/we have to go through this crap just to get 3d working.
Man, there's needs to be some waking up happen or Linux in the home market will never be more than a dream.

ben_build#2.1.0 01-06-2005 09:42 AM

Maybe the community version works better than the Official version

I did have a few problems with my setup, i.e. my pcmcia slots were not turned on from the box (which after a lot of searching I found the fix) and the computer wouldn't shut down because of ACPI turned to "off" when it should've been "on", and that was the hardest stuff I've had problems with. everyhting else works fine. The USBs work well with my printer, and with my USB flash drive.

I even got a Netgear pcmcia WLAN card setup through ndiswrapper. I guess I could say that the NIC is working fine.

I'm running a HP Pavilion Zt1130 laptop
with 1.130 GHZ CPU
8 MB S3 Savage video card
256 MB of ram
and 20 GB of Hard drive space.
(Dual booting with Windows XP Home -- which I never use)

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