I faced that kind of problem before. I believe that the errors came from CD burner because when I burned with another burner, I worked without error. Anyway, You can install MDK form hard disk, like I did since I've that problem ( I save 3 cds(-; ). Here the step by step installation:
1. download only the CD1 (Cd 2 and 3 aren't necessairy for now) and save it in a folder, for example: d:/mandrake
2. check the md5dsum
3. extraire the boot.iso from install/images
4. burn it to cd (rw cd if you have)
5. boot computer from cd
6. on the 'welcome screen' press Enter
7. What asked to choose the mathod of installation, choose Hard drive
7.give the emplacement of the iso (CD1)
/dev/hda => primary master
/dev/hdb => primary slave
/dev/hdc => secondary master
/dev/hdd => secondary slave
1,2,3 => partition order
if D is the second partition of the primary master => /dev/hda2
And the installation is starting (the same way as the installation from cd)
Note: some packages are not installed even if you have selected them
After the installation and main, contrib, update by easyurpmi:
8. go to mandrake control center-> sofware and click on install
9. Select packages you want to install
10. click on install
The installation is finished, you can enjoy your Linux.
Note: It's better to have High Speed because there're many packaged to download.
Hope this helps.