Originally posted by 8nasmith
why does it do that, then agin i use an external drive with mandrake 9.2
i think it's just the installer that does that, not the installed distribution, but
i'm not sure about that.
anyway, i'm sure mandrake was trying to figure out the best way to
detect what kind of drives were in the computer, and thought it would
be safest to flush the buffers of the drive before running detect commands.
And they see this command in the ATAPI Specs.
Flush Drive Buffers-XXX address whatever.
Unfortunately LG a while back says, "Hey, nobody uses that flush buffer
command. Let's use it to update our firmware." "Yea. Great Idea!"
It's like that redneck joke.
A guy was riding with a friend in his truck, and they came up on a redlight.
They didn't even slow down, and just flew through the light at 60 miles
an hour. The passenger says,"What the hell are you doing!? We could
have been killed." Driver says, "Don't worry about it. My uncle bob does
it all the time." The next light is red too. They fly through that too.
Passenger, "This is crazy. Don't do that!" Driver, "Don't worry. uncle bob
does it all the time." The next light is green. The truck goes skidding
to a stop, and just sits there at the green light. The passenger says,
"What are you doing? The light is green." The driver replies, "Uncle
Bob might be coming."