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Mandriva This Forum is for the discussion of Mandriva (Mandrake) Linux.


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Old 06-17-2005, 08:27 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: Australia
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Question Mandrake 9.2 probs HELP!!!

I am a fairly new user to Linux, and I am currently running Mandrake 9.2

I have had a few problems so far:

I cannot install anything. I have only been able to install one program and that is Mozilla Firefox. Everything else that I try to install says the same thing "no cc something-a-rather".

I did a search about the probs I've been having and it's something to do with KDE. I tried to install gnome from the RPM manager but even after I install it I cant get to it.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about could you please help me?

The packages I need at the moment are: XMMS, GAIM, Open Office, Emule (or edonkey), and a couple of other standard things.

I have never had to install anything on Linux before (long story) and im finding it really hard.


if you want to know more, just ask... any help is a help..... if that makes sense

Old 06-17-2005, 08:54 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Western Australia
Distribution: Mageia , Centos
Posts: 644
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Gidday maaaaate

firstly I found 9.2 to be very buggy and went back to 9.0
until 10.0 came along

The magazine Linux-format is arriving in oz soon with
Mandriva 2005 LE, it may be worth checking out
there is a DVD and a CD version, so be aware

if you dont get any joy here
try to find a LUG near you
here is a list

hope this helps
Old 06-17-2005, 08:56 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Sao Paulo - Brazil
Distribution: Mageia
Posts: 155

Rep: Reputation: 23
Take a look here:
There is a lot of information about how to install software in Mandrake. If you permit, may I do a advice?

Install the new version of Mandriva (2005 LE) you'll be rewarded!
Old 06-17-2005, 09:09 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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cheers for that, i'll have a look. I dont know how well the new versions will run on my computer. I have a PII 333mhz 96Mb RAM 10GB HDD.

The other option I was looking at is maybe I should change distro altogether...

I currently only own debian, knoppix, mandrake move, dyne:bolic, yellow dog, mandrake download edition 9.2 disc 1, and....... I think thats about it.

any1 got any ideas?? I dont really wana go out and buy the cds of anything, but i'll keep it in mind as a last resort, I'm on broadband by the way so i can download distros.
Old 06-18-2005, 05:43 AM   #5
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Western Australia
Distribution: Mageia , Centos
Posts: 644
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Rep: Reputation: 136Reputation: 136
Mandriva 2005 LE should run on that system albeit rather slow, your RAM is the issue here and maybe your video card. My wife is running 10.0 on a pentium 450 with no probs but she has a 64 meg video card and 196 meg ram.

Old 06-18-2005, 07:55 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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oh.... yeah, i should really mention that too..... my video card is the original onboard 8MB

I do realise my computer is a piece of shite but I plan to upgrade soon. I have started working again so my bank account has some money in it (finally) and as soon as I come back from the music tour in darwin and thats all paid for, and I buy my new phone, and pay for my license, I'll get a new and cpu and ram (I have a PIII motherboard sitting in the shed), and then a new HDD, and I'll upgrade from there..... shouldnt cost more than about $800 all up

I'm looking at switching to RedHat at the moment anyway, I'll wait for disc 2 to finish downloading and I'll see if it's any better than mandrake.
Old 06-18-2005, 07:43 PM   #7
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Western Australia
Distribution: Mageia , Centos
Posts: 644
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Rep: Reputation: 136Reputation: 136
$ 800 ...
I upgraded recently
Celeron 2.6, Gigabyte mobo, 256 DDR, 350 W PSU and DVD/CDRW
plus installation
was about $ 450
I could have got cheaper if I went to Perth, but then there's petrol



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