The 6th CD contains Mandrake Linux Move 2
Her are the 6 CD's:
CD 1: Bootable Install CD
CD 2: Install CD 2
CD 3: Install CD 3
CD 4: Install CD 4
CD 5: Package Updates and Additional Software
CD 6: Mandrakelinux Move 2
Mandrake Linux Move 2 is a bootable Mandrake from CD or from a USB key. It's like Knoppix. Everything works from the CD. You don't need the hard disk.
It's great for rescue and demo operations.
From :
The new Mandrakesoft Move is a Linux desktop product, designed for the PC platform, that requires no installation
Just insert Move into a CD-ROM drive, boot from the disc, and a few seconds later enjoy a complete and full-featured Mandrakelinux operating system - including everything needed for Internet, Office and Multimedia tasks!
The new Move is now available for download on a number of FTP mirrors:
The full commercial version - which cleverly uses a USB key to save personal data and settings - is available on Mandrakestore and Mandrakeclub:
- purchase the Move pack bundled with *or without* a USB key (up to 512MB) right now:
- subscribe to Mandrakeclub as a Silver Member or above, and download the full commercial ISO of Mandrakelinux Move now:
Mandrakesoft Online Team.