Originally posted by morbid81
Using Mandrake 10.1, have some rpms I wanna install, and one is complainging of dependency issues for the libstdc++.so.6 file, where can these be downloaded? Can I just use any version of these libraries or do they have to a specific one? Im trying to install AIM on Mandrake. Is this issue due to the fact that the RPMS are compiled for redhat 9 or is there no compatability issue? Did a search with RPMDRAKE and shows the devel for libstdc 5 libraries but nothing else. The other is complaining of GTK libraries? Which is XMMS which version am I gonna need for this and what are the dependciences Ill need to install along with these libraries to keep everything in good working order. I wanna install KDE 3.3.2 and need the QT libraries which are on the ftp site and direction of which exact ones Ill need to do the install. Also anyone know of a good fairly easy to install DVD play for linux and where I could download it at? Any help would be appreciated.
1. for dependencies use urpmi. if you search this website, there are some pretty good threads written on how to go about setting up urpmi. (type in urpmi libstdc++.so.6 and it will tell you what rpm that package is in and then download it).
2. use the most recent stable libraries and you'll be set.'
3. You should use the rpms compiled for mandrake for gaim. urpmi gaim works fine. it should be on the cds.
4. to install xmms type in urpmi xmms
5. KDE 3.3 has a lot of bugs in it, so I've heard. its better to stick with KDE 3.2.
6. urpmi xine. I If I'm right xine is the best dvd player.