hmm, it seems after doing the aforementioned two fixes long ago, my cable connection has been much faster, but since first reboot it seemed it was not as fast as when I first made changes. It was still as fast as neighbours that use WindowsXP, but not as fast as when I load Knoppix. Knoppix seems to load web pages without a second hesitation.
I just checked my loaded modules with lsmod and found ipv6 module was still being loaded.
To stop it from being loaded automatically upon rebooting, open a terminal window, type
for root privilage, then type
echo "alias net-pf-10 off" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
That should be effective long term.
OK, I know your wondering what I was smokin last night. Workin afternoon shift and was overtired. This reply was meant for a different thread. Lets just pretend we did not see it attached to this one.
Last edited by Lakota; 10-26-2004 at 09:51 AM.