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Old 06-14-2005, 08:03 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2005
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Unhappy locked devices after upgrading KDE

Hi All:

I got Makdrake Linux 10.0 running on my box, few days ago I decide change KDE 3.2 comming with Mandrake 10.0 distribution to KDE-3.4.0 from KDE web site To do so I first uninstall KDE 3.2 using rpm and then compile KDE 3.4.0 downloaded from KDE web site and install it on my box. After that all my devices are locked only root can write to them (by devices I mean CD-RW, Sound Card) this is because all them mounted in /dev have the following permissions

The first solution I tried was login as root and issue chmod 777 /dev/device where device points to each device mounted on /dev and this works fine but works until I reboot my machine. I really don't want to do this procedure everytime I reboot my machine. Then I try to find wich daemon set permissions on devices and found devfsd do that work. So I went to /etc/devfsd.conf and write there the following lines:

REGISTER ^sound/mixer PERMISSIONS 0666
REGISTER ^ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd PERMISSIONS 0666

that way I tell devfsd to assign rw permissions to these devices for everyone

Well thats doesn't work...

The last thing I do was go to lilo.conf and modify the command line passed to the kernel's image telling it "don't run devfsd" and manually issue chmod 777 /dev/device again, restart my box and when is up nothing is solved. Still my devices are locked

try to write chmod 777 /dev/device on boot scripts doesn't work
If someone can help me I'll be very grateful

Sorry my english 'cause I'm not a native english speaker
Best regards Yosvel
Old 06-14-2005, 11:50 AM   #2
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