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Mandriva This Forum is for the discussion of Mandriva (Mandrake) Linux.


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Old 11-26-2004, 11:45 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 2

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location of mandrake 9.0 linux kernel source files

Hi guys, now I'm relatively new to linux but I'm trying to install a driver for my Sagem 800 adsl modem. I downloaded the linux driver file from the sagem site and when I try to install it I get the following error.

Error : /usr/src/linux-2.4.19-16mdk directory doesn't exist

The installation help file says if I get such an error i should check the directory /usr/src/linux contains the source files of the linux kernel or a link to the source files.

Now I've checked the /usr/src directory (in the root directory) and there is no linux directory. The only directory in there is RPM and all the RPM subfolders are empty.

Do I have to reinstall linux or is there a location I can copy the kernel source files from.

P/s Please list the sorce files I shuld copy. Thanks.
Old 11-26-2004, 12:18 PM   #2
Registered: May 2004
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Distribution: dual boot.... Mandrake 10.0OE/10.xcooker
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first, you probably should consider upgrading to a newer version of Mandrake. 10.0 Official is the latest free version, 10.1 Official should be available to the public any day now. better/newer apps, more hardware support, 2.6 series kernel.

anywho, to answer your question, to install the kernel-source, do it one of 2 ways.........

first, to make sure you know what kernel version you're currently running, open a terminal as root & type........

uname -a
that will list your current kernel & some other system info. note the kernel version number. now, to install the source.......

GUI method......... open Mandrake Control Center (type mcc in terminal as root->hit enter) then go to software management->install software. type kernel in the search box, check the kernel-source that matches your kernel, install it. it's on one of the MDK install CD's.

CLI method............. open a terminal as root, & type the following........

urpmi kernel-source
hit enter, & that will install the kernel-source. if more than one is available, it will give you a list to choose from. again, choose the one that matches your kernel.

Old 11-26-2004, 01:01 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 2

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Thanks a lot for your help.
Old 12-20-2004, 09:01 PM   #4
Registered: Dec 2004
Distribution: OpenSuSE 10.0
Posts: 140

Rep: Reputation: 15
Just in case you are wondering about Sagem Fast 800 E2T and Mandrake 10.1

i installed mandrake 10.1 and that installed the drivers automatically and all i had to do was set up the connection. I hope this helps you. I'm even newer to linux than you are, i have so far only used it for 4 days

Last edited by Ace2005; 12-20-2004 at 09:03 PM.


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