You can find a Mandriva mirror in your region at the
Mandriva Downloads WEB page.
1. Select you flavor of Mandriva.
You can choose between Mandriva One with the KDE Desktop Environment, Mandriva One with the Gnome Desktop Environment, or Mandriva Linux Free.
Either flavor of Mandriva One comes as a Live! CD image from which you can boot your computer to a fully operational Mandriva Linux session (after burning the iso image to a CD), then (if you like your experience) you can install Mandriva from the running session (Mandriva One includes some proprietary device drivers).
Mandriva Linux Free is 100% Open Source (no proprietary software included). It comes as a DVD iso image from which (after burning to disk) you can boot your computer to an installation utility (not a running Mandriva Linux session). Mandriva Linux Free is not a Live! CD.
2. Select your Country from the Public Mirror Network drop down list.
3. Click on the mirror link of your choice.