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Old 11-02-2004, 09:25 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: Michigan
Distribution: Mandrake 10.0
Posts: 13

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KDE Memory leak?

Hey, I have a problem in which my computer will just hard lock.... i will be browsing the web, playing a cd, just doing whatever, and all of the sudden it will just STOP working. i get no response from the mouse, keyboard........ nothing. my cd will keep playing in KsCD, but that's it. I have this problem even without playing a cd. i can just turn on my computer, startx, then wait.... and it will happen. it is completely random, and its starting to get annoying. i was trying to post a couple of mins ago on here, and it did it. i dont know if this is a memory leak, or what....... i doubt a memory leak cause its linux and i did a memtest with no errors , but i want to get to the bottom of this. i'm afraid to start programming in php and forget to save my script every 5 mins and have it lock. i left my computer up as a web server today when i went to work, and it worked fine. i log out to stop x, then i log in, and just let it sit at a prompt, turn my monitor off, and go to work.... i can access my webserver at work just fine. when i came home today, i started x, then went about my business thinking it maybe fixed itself? nope. did it thrice since i got home at 7. maybe someone else had this problem and found out what it was? help!

Last edited by Skwirl; 11-02-2004 at 09:26 PM.
Old 11-03-2004, 01:45 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: The Netherlands
Distribution: Mandrake, Knoppix, Coyote Linux, RedHat
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I have an old pentium II machine that works as you describe. as long as you leave it alone it's fine most of the time, but when you start to use it the party is over. in my case it's a broken mainboard, I've tried switching all the other removable hardware for new/other hardware without success, as well as two different operating systems. the system just locks, no further use possible without rebooting it.

Have you tried swapping RAM modules, other harddrive, checking any cabling? Did you install any exotic software or hardware lately? Try booting from a Live Linux cd such as Knoppix and see if the problem comes back. if it does then the problem does not lie in your installation, but in the hardware on which it resides.

And, I think it's time to start backing up important data..
Old 11-04-2004, 12:33 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Philadelphia ,Pa
Distribution: Fedora Core 1 BABY !!! YEA
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Rep: Reputation: 19
Like xolo said , it very well could be hardware . IF you check out all your hard ware and its still a problem try compiling everything from source , I mean i know its long and tedious , but at least the programs will be faster and setup more for your system.


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