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Old 08-30-2007, 12:30 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2007
Distribution: Mandriva 2007 Spring
Posts: 6

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It's impossible in my KDE 3.5 Mandriva to set up more than one desktop

It's impossible in my KDE 3.5 Mandriva to set up more than one desktop. When KDE 3.5 ran for the very first time there were set 4 desktops; the following time there was just one! Then I tried to change the number of desktops doing the following: "click right button on taskbar > configure panel > taskbar (it was already set to one Desktop) > set the Number of desktops to 4 > Apply > OK.
Apparently that was well accepted, nevertheless the change hasn't applied; taking into consideration that the following steps were: 1st) "End current session" and, in the next session, 2nd) "Restart computer."
Old 08-30-2007, 02:46 PM   #2
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I don't think you have the correct sequence of button clicks. Try this; right click the desktop -->Configure Desktop-->Multiple Desktops-->Number of desktops (Change this field with the slider or the arrows) --> Apply.

You should see your new count of desktops on the task bar.

If that doesn't work, you have something wrong stored in your /home/username/.kde directory. On rare occasions I have had to delete that directory. That action will cause you to loose every kde custom setting, and return your desktop to a just installed look. You can do a recursive copy of the directory to say, /home/username/.kdebackup before you wipe it. Then you can go back and look at other custom settings.

Try the easy right click method first.
Old 09-01-2007, 12:56 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Exclamation My KDE 3.5 Mandriva doesn't set up more than one desktop

Both ways give the same answer; i.e. apparently they reset the number of desks from 1 to 4, but finally they don't, as I told you before.

I tried to wipe the /home/my_user_name/.kde directory but it's locked, meaning that it denies any kind of access. I'm not even able to enter as root because the system also denies permit to the administrator when it keys user_name and password.

So I decided to retrieve .kde from Windows XP, which is already in my HD. It's possible to see the directory and its subdirectories as well as the archives. Everything is erasable except 3 entities that don't allow any kind of access including the wipe out possibility. There is impossible to determine if they are subdirectories, archives or anything else.

When I access Gnome it worked as you said including the 4 desktops.

Thank you.
Old 09-01-2007, 03:01 PM   #4
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Could you run the command 'ls -ld .kde' and cut and paste the results?

Here is what mine looks like. I can enter and delete if I want.

ls -ld .kde
drwx------ 7 cliff cliff 4096 Jun 18 17:19 .kde/
It should be owned by your user, and have rw access.
Old 09-02-2007, 02:18 AM   #5
Registered: Mar 2006
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If you use beryl or something other 3D desktop than that is your problem... set in the KDE the desktop numbers to 1 and than configure you're 3D to use 4 in his own configuration tool ie beryl-manager for beryl
Old 09-02-2007, 06:11 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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Cool Thank you

I changed settings from Full 3D desktop effects (Compiz) to No 3D desktop effects and finally the taskbar showed 4 desktops. Everything works perfectly now.
PHP Code:
 If you use beryl or something other 3D desktop than that is your problem... set in the KDE the desktop numbers to 1 and than configure you're 3D to use 4 in his own configuration tool ie beryl-manager for beryl 
Old 09-14-2007, 04:24 AM   #7
Registered: Mar 2006
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Distribution: Mandriva 2009.0;
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You could still keep you're 3D effects by setting things in the way I described above (it works for sure with beryl )
Old 09-14-2007, 05:44 PM   #8
LQ Newbie
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Distribution: Mandriva 2007 Spring
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Smile Compiz

I'm still using Compiz. I don't know how to change to Beryl.
Old 09-14-2007, 05:54 PM   #9
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If XGL/compiz on Mandriva is similar to SuSE, you need to use the gnome-compiz-preferences program to change the number of desktops. Pressing ctrl-alt-<down arrow> is a quick way of displaying all of the desktops. With SuSE 10.2, the number of desktops are reflected in the KDE desktop switcher, but in 10.1 there was just one desktop displayed.
Old 09-19-2007, 01:58 AM   #10
Registered: Mar 2006
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Distribution: Mandriva 2009.0;
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Originally Posted by elekt786 View Post
I'm still using Compiz. I don't know how to change to Beryl.
If you use 2007 spring as it apears in you're profile than in the 3D config menu don't chose compiz there should be an option for beryl to, as you see in this image:
don't bother for the language it should be the same in any other language, these are my settings. If that option doasnt apear you should install beryl first.
Remember if you used compiz before you should uninstall that because when you switch to beryl it will make some errors... I don't remember the kind of the errors but if you search here you will find a thread started by me in which almost all the stuff is covered...
edit: I found the thread for you: you'll find there what you need to do if beryl wont start...

Last edited by pilatus666; 09-19-2007 at 02:03 AM.


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