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Mandriva This Forum is for the discussion of Mandriva (Mandrake) Linux.


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Old 03-17-2005, 01:10 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 229

Rep: Reputation: 34
Internet Connection Sharing

Can anyone point me to a tutorial that shows how to setup internet connection sharing on Mandrake ? I've tried the "wizard" in the past with no luck, but have heard that it is pretty simple to do... My internet connection is dial-up using kppp. I want to share it over my home network with a Win2000 PC and a Mandrake laptop. Thanks !
Old 03-17-2005, 07:25 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: cheshire, uk
Distribution: Ubuntu Hoary
Posts: 605

Rep: Reputation: 33

mandrake's internet connection sharing can be a bit patchy, to say the least. i've tried their 'wizard' with 10.0 and 10.1, and in both cases, it screwed up.

to cut a long story short, mandrake's implementation is way OTT for a simple home network - it installs a firewall (necessary), and also a proxy server (squid) and dns, too i think...

the firewall is necessary to do the ip masquerading used to share your connection, but i've found that mandrake's implementation is screwy. so, to start with, you need to uninstall the shorewall firewall, and then also disable squid at startup (in services in mandrake control center).. then go to the shorewall website and download and install a proper version of the software. there's also excellent documentation on the site which should help you get things working nicely. it sounds complicated, but in fact it isn't - all you need is shorewall set up correctly and it'll work great.


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