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Old 01-05-2005, 07:34 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: N.E.Texas
Distribution: UBUNTU-14,04
Posts: 43

Rep: Reputation: 15
In layman terms...boot floppy

Remember I'm still new to this, so don't hurt me......

I have been trying to make a boot floppy for MDK 10.0 OE.I've did all that suggested..

mkboot [-r rootpartition] [-i] [kernel]

To no avail I can not seem to git it to work. Am I missing something here or am I jist not typing the commands right.
I've also tried backing up my mbr...

dd if=/dev/hda of=/fd/MBR bs=512 count=1


dd if=/dev/hda of=path/to/saved /mbr.img blocks=512 count=1

YEAH,still dualbooting with that other os and would like to have a boot floppy in case that one crashes. 'cause if'n it does..thats it completely for them guys. Any help in layman terms would be great. I'll never knows as much as you guys, but I gots to start sume where and MDK 10.0 has been a blast to wurk with.

Point me in the right direction and I'll be aLINUX slave fer ever 'n' ever...............................
Old 01-05-2005, 09:41 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.04
Posts: 1,994

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 mkboot [-r rootpartition] [-i] [kernel]
I'm assuming from what you've said that this is the exact thing that you're typing. The things in square brackets are optional; you shouldn't be typing the brackets. For more information, run
man mkboot
to create a bootable floppy disk; it's much easier to work with.
Old 01-08-2005, 04:35 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: N.E.Texas
Distribution: UBUNTU-14,04
Posts: 43

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
I know you don't type the brackets...Everything I have tried DOES not work. I'm trying to find out if I need to type it in a different way or what.

I've tried the man pages and all. This is why I'm here asking now instead of going on my merry way like I have been since I installed MDK10. Up to this point I have nad no problems with anything at all.

Sorry 'bout the bluntness, but I cain't see letting something like this ruin something that has so far been smooth and easy going. If'n it got any better,I couldn't stand it I didn't have this much luck with .....(you know who)...winduhs.................................
Old 01-08-2005, 03:19 PM   #4
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Texas
Distribution: openSUSE 10.3, Yoper Linux 3.0 , Arch Linux 2007.08
Posts: 253

Rep: Reputation: 30
There is an easier way. I just made a boot floppy yesterday, quite painlessly. Simply start Mandrake Control Center, and go to the boot "tab". Click on the boot loader icon, and select /dev/fd0 as your device. It will ask you where you are booting Mandrake from (in my case, there are two hard drives, it presented me the list and let me select which one). After that it happily cranks away and creates a boot floppy for you. The boot floppy is really just an MBR pointed at your Mandrake installation. No muss, no fuss, really easy. Hope this helps.


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