i attemped install nvidia driver. it aint working
i followed the directions in this post
i saw the spashscreen as soon as i was done and typed init 5 in root.
so i then logged out and loggin as user and init 5 again. it worked breifly cuase i could see the screen on my tv then both screens began bugging out on me. i managed to get back to command line from memory cuase i cound't see anything. i tryed init 5 from root again and got error messages and then user the same. mow i'm stuck in command line with no clue how to edit the config files from command line.
also. i seem to be cd'ing around incorectly. if i type cd/ect/x11/ it claimes no such follder or file. how do i cd around with precise typing?
if i can reedit the file i can then post the error log it recomended i view. i asume that woiuld give the proper info you guys need to help me out.