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Old 05-26-2005, 09:21 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2005
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
Getting my projector to work...

Hi all,

I currently have a Mandrake 10.1 box which I'm hooking up to my projector via an nvidia fx5200 board. I want it to display 1280x720@60. So, I first get the modeline like this:

/usr/X11R6/bin/gtf 1280 720 60 -x

which gives me

# 1280x720 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 44.76 kHz; pclk: 74.48 MHz
Modeline "1280x720_60.00" 74.48 1280 1336 1472 1664 720 721 724 746 -HSync +Vsync

When I restart my box, the Xorg.0.log file says:

(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "1280x720" (no mode of this name)

It the goes on to state that:

(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "1280x720_60.00" (width too large for virtual size)

1) What does it mean when it says there is no mode by that name?

2) Why is this width too large? Surely the 5200 can display this?

Hope somebody can shed some light on this.



Here's my xorg.conf:

# File generated by XFdrake.

# **********************************************************************
# Refer to the XF86Config man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **********************************************************************

Section "Files"
# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.
FontPath "unix/:-1"

Section "ServerFlags"
#DontZap # disable <Crtl><Alt><BS> (server abort)
AllowMouseOpenFail # allows the server to start up even if the mouse doesn't work
#DontZoom # disable <Crtl><Alt><KP_+>/<KP_-> (resolution switching)

Section "Module"
Load "dbe" # Double-Buffering Extension
Load "extmod"
Load "type1"
Load "freetype"
Load "glx" # 3D layer
Load "dri" # direct rendering
Load "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard1"
Driver "keyboard"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "no"
Option "XkbOptions" ""

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "monitor1"
VendorName "Plug'n Play"
ModelName "My projector"
HorizSync 31-92
VertRefresh 50-150

# TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
# 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine "768x576" 50.00 768 832 846 1000 576 590 595 630

# 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine "768x576" 63.07 768 800 960 1024 576 578 590 616

# 1280x720 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 44.76 kHz; pclk: 74.48 MHz
Modeline "1280x720_60.00" 74.48 1280 1336 1472 1664 720 721 724 746 -HSync +Vsync

Section "Device"
Identifier "device1"
VendorName "nVidia"
BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200"
Driver "nvidia"
Option "DPMS"
Option "XvmcUsesTextures" "true"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "screen1"
Device "device1"
Monitor "monitor1"
DefaultColorDepth 16

Subsection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 16
Modes "1280x720" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Subsection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Modes "1280x720" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "layout1"
InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
Screen "screen1"


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