find /boot/grub/stage1is (hd0,6) but my menu.lst file having (hd0,0)
I think you're confusing the menu.lst of the CD and the one on your HD. If the menu-line you're talking about
has a "ramdisk_size=...." entry, then it's the CD's.
If not, that's one major problem, since (in that case) grub tries to load the kernel from your windows partition.
Have you tried the "Re-install bootloader" entry on the rescue CD and specified /dev/hda (as your other post mentioned)?
Also, before you ran 'chroot /mnt' did you run 'mount /dev/hda7' ?
If so, and to make sure everything's OK, you can do a 'ls /home' . You should see your home dir.
If the chroot hasn't worked, you're still on the CD and should get a "No such file..." error.
- Peder