Hey guys I experimented with my above problem in trying to resolve my issue of not being able to boot into a new install of Mandriva LE 05 and I booted into failsafe mode and typed "su" and then "startx", I received an X10: fatal I0 error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0 after 0 requests (0known processed) with 0 events remaining)
At this point I did not know what to do and rebooted and it booted fine into Mandriva without a hitch the second time arround. I have no idea as to what happened or why it would not work the first time, but now it seems to work fine.
Originally posted by dolphans1
Hey Guys,
I installed Mandriva LE 05 on my Gateway PC (dual boot system with Windows ME) that has an intergrated video card, Intel 8281x and the only driver I could choose was I believe an 810 Intel Generic graphic driver, but when I select to boot into Mandriva I get a black screen that says "crc error" system halted.
I suspect it's my buit in Graphical card or my monitor. My Monitor is a Gateway EV700 and I just selected a generic for my monitor.
Any idea as to what I can do to fix this problem?
Lilo bootloader works fine as it boots into Windows ME without any problems....
Please let me know what I can do to fix the above problem...Mandriva is sitting or installed on it own drive......